Sunday, February 11, 2018

“For the Wedding” John 2:1-11

“For the Wedding” John 2:1-11

The wedding in Cana has so much for us to learn. I know you have heard good sermons about how Jesus talks to His mother, and the symbol of the new wine replacing the ceremonial water of the law. Today I want us to look at the blessing in this miracle, for it tells us much about who Jesus is.

We know the story, Jesus is attending a wedding, the wine runs out, Mary tells Jesus the problem, He turns water into wine for the wedding. But let’s think about it a little more.

The wine ran out, big deal, happens all the time. In fact, Jesus even says to Mary “What does that have to do with Me.” Why should God the creator of the universe care about a little thing like a wedding?

Maybe it’s that Jesus is obedient to His mother as many commentators say, or could it be that Mary does what she does because she knows Jesus’ nature. Does Mary force an unwilling Jesus to make the wine? Does Mary know that Jesus would want to help once He was made aware of the need?

Jesus blesses this wedding by a miracle done before it’s time. Jesus says, “My time has not come yet.” “I am not supposed to reveal my self to the world yet.” People at the wedding have already drank a lot of wine, they could do without more. But Jesus likes to see His people celebrate and express their joy. In the Gospels we find Jesus at parties, eating and drinking with people.

God also wants to bless the wedding because marriage is something God came up with. Genesis 2:18 & 24 says. “It is not good for man to be alone,” “Therefore a man shall leave his mother and father and cleave unto his wife and they shall become one flesh”. God invented marriage, so people would not be lonely, to bless people. Jesus says in John 15:11 I have come that “Your joy may be complete.” God’s desire is that we enjoy life with Him.

Now what can we take away from this.

God wants to know about the things that we are concerned about. The little things like the wedding wine. It does not mean that God will always give us a miracle, but again He just might. So, we need to let God know.

Jesus came to bring us Joy. God is not the great fun police. Far from it. God wants our lives to be filled with Joy, peace, hope, and love. Prayer is not about getting something from begrudging God who is holding out on us. God only says no for good reasons. God desires to bless us even in the little things.

Jesus is the one who wants to bless your life like He did this couples wedding. Jesus wants you to tell Him even about the little things.

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