Sunday, November 30, 2014

Isaiah 7:4 What do you need?

Isaiah 7:4 What do you need?

Ahaz King of Judah finds that the 10 Northern tribes, called Israel, have joined forces with Syria to attack him. His army suffers a great defeat, 2 Chronicles 28. Ahaz needs a new army but God sends him something else a Baby.

1.       Ahaz
a. worshiped every god except the real one.
b. 2 chronicles 28:2-4 28:22-25
c. God gives Ahaz a chance Isaiah 7:10 But he refuses
d. So God pronounces Judgment
e. He wanted an army but God sends him a Baby.

2.       Israel wanted a warrior King but God sends them a Baby
a. 700 years after Ahaz the people of Israel were looking for a Messiah
b. They look at prophecies about the warrior king
c. Isaiah 7:14, Micah 5:2, 2 Samuel 7:12, Gen 49:10, Gen 12:2
d. the savior God sends is for their souls not their country

3.       Everyone but Jesus
a. confused, lost, broken and looking everywhere for help
b. new car, new video game, more money, facelifts and tummy tucks.
c. exercise, diets, overeating, magic pills, or another party.
d. power crystals, tarot cards, any and all religions.
e. But God sent them a baby
f. a suffering servant to save their soul not their carnal life.

What have you been looking for Jesus to be? A marriage counselor? A financial planner? A family therapist, a job finder? A love doctor? A Physical trainer. You may think you need an army, but God knows you need a Baby. A baby born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago, to suffer and die to forgive your sins and save your soul. Each of us must receive this gift. Open it and make it ours. A simple prayer will do. Lord Jesus forgive my sin. I accept your death on the cross in my place. Lord Jesus I give You my life. Give me a new life today that I can live for You. Amen. Whatever you think you need, what you really need is a Baby.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Mark 12:28-34 “The greatest commandment”

Mark 12:28-34 “The greatest commandment”

The Jewish legal system had grown into hundreds if not thousands of thou shalt nots. All of them considered important. It is enough to make you dizzy. Imagine driving through Minneapolis and all the road signs are missing. Now you have to drive remembering all the laws of the road with no reminders. No speed limit signs, no stop signs, no one way signs, no white or yellow lines, and no school or work zone signs. And while you are trying to remember all the laws about driving and parking there is a police person just waiting to write you a ticket. That is how it must have felt for the average Jewish person in Jesus’ time. But what if you could take all those laws and distill them into one or two commandments. Some countries have only two driving laws, don’t you let nobody hit you and don’t you hit nobody.

1.       There is only one God
a. There is only one God and you are not Him.
b. God is not your check book. Or your 401K.
c. God is not your good looks. your important job.
d. God is the one who created you, and saved you

2.       Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.
a. love God with all that you are.

3.       Love your neighbor as yourself.
a. Why add this, it was not part of the question?
b. If you love God you will love the things God loves.
c. John 3:16 Romans 5:8
d. John 13:34-35
d. John 15:12-17
e. Matthew 5:43-48
f. James 2:1-4 & 8-10

Opportunities to Love God exist all around us. We meet them every day. We talk with them, work with them, live and play with them. Jesus knew we did not need hundreds and thousands of rules and laws. Two will do just fine.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Mark 10:46-52 What Do You Want Me To Do?

Mark 10:46-52 What Do You Want Me To Do?

One of the things I have learned through years of counseling people is that what they think they want is not what they need or even truly desire for their life. They want to continue to do the same things and somehow get different results. The saying I love says “if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you always got. Two weeks ago we talked about believing or having faith in the long term. Last week we talked about believing deeply. Now we have the question of what do we really want and what are we willing to do to get it?

1.Bartimaeus gets ready
a. Bartimaeus the beggar by the road
b. people passed by and ignored him all the time.
c. He shouts out to Jesus
d. people around him tell him to shut-up
e. He shouts even louder

2. Jesus stops
a. Jesus calls him
b. Bartimaeus springs up and comes to Jesus
c. “What do you want me to do for you?”
d. “I want to see.”
e. “Go your way” he is healed and then follows Jesus

3. What do you want me to do for you?
a. What is it you really want Jesus to do?
b. how far are you willing to go to get it?
c. cry out to God, throw off your comfort robes, run in the darkness
d. If you always do….

4. Your encounter
a. Imagine you are sitting by the road
b. in your heart cry out to Jesus
c. though people tell you it’s no use yell even louder
d. Jesus stops and turns around and calls you
e. you run to him and He looks at you.
d. Jesus ask you “What do you want Me to do for you?”
e. Tell Jesus right now.
f. Listen now as Jesus tells you it is done “your faith has made you well.”