Sunday, May 29, 2016

1 Corinthians 1:1-9

Memorial day. We celebrate those who have served in the military to protect us. We build memorials to them, we decorate their graves. I remember as a high schooler thinking about Vietnam, stopping in front of the county courthouse and finding my father’s name on the list of all who had served during world war 2. It is strange that with all the billons of graves of men and women who have died in this world fighting the sinfulness of people we are still fighting. The only death that can save the human soul is the death of Jesus.

Another thought comes to mind, nowhere is there a plaque or memorial to the men and women who have served Christ through the church. There is no long list of names of Sunday School Teachers, Greeters, Ushers, Elders, Pastors, Choir members, musicians, ….

The only memorial they have is your life in Jesus, Your faith today.

Paul starts his letter to the Corinthians by giving thanks for those who trust in Jesus.

1.       Corinthians
a. Paul founded the church there staying a year and a half with them.
b. written from Ephesus where he stayed 3 years.
c. written to address issues that Paul has heard about.

2.       I give thanks to God for you always.
a. for God’s grace and forgiveness given to them.
b. changes in speech and knowledge.
c. The testimony about Jesus confirmed.
d. All the gifts of the spirit given to them.
e. despite their issues.

3.       Giving thanks for one another
a. for the people who serve our church
b. those who served our church.
c. those who have donated faithfully each week.
d. a card, a letter, a word of kindness.
e. prayers for guidance, wisdom, strength, healing.
f. prayers of thanksgiving.

As you celebrate Memorial day, take time to thank God for those who have served Jesus before you. Thank God for their sacrifice that has made your own faith possible. Thank God for those who live for Jesus each and every day. Live your life in respect and honor of them.

You, your life of faith, you living each day for Jesus, is the only memorial they have.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Judges 16:28-30 “The Death of Sampson”

Judges 16:28-30 “The Death of Sampson”

Two of the recurring themes of Judges are, “Again the people did what was evil in the sight of the Lord.” “God raised up a Judge to deliver the people.” Now another on “God shows up.” Today we look at the death of Sampson and will end our study of Judges.

Sampson played with the Philistines, partied with them, played around with their women, until he found himself powerless and blind. Forced to push the grindstone in the prison grain mill in an endless circle. Now he is called to entertain the Philistines at their drunken party.

1.       We find ourselves in Samson’s place
a. tricked by life
b. a victim of our self-indulgence.
c. in an endless cycle of despair.
d. blind and powerless.

2.       vs 22 “but Sampson’s hair began to grow.
a. The great strength given to Sampson returns.
b. God empowered Ehud, Deborah, Barak and Gideon.
c. God restored David. God raised Joseph from the bottom of a well.
d. God shows up.

3.       Discounted by the world
a. our church is to old
b. our Gospel out of date and out of touch
c. we are to small, we are to poor
d. But God has shown up every day.

e. you feel so weak and your problems so large
f. Your sin so great and your habits to much a part of you.
g. But God shows up every day.

4. But God delivers
a. a message for your friends, family, children, spouse, coworkers, people you meet.
b. a message for you, hope for you,
c. the message for our church
d. God can and will deliver us.
e. call out to Him, He will hear, He will heal, He will save, He will deliver.
f. God always shows up.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

"Fool Me Twice" Judges 16:1-22


This story from Samson’s life is one of the best known Bible stories. We may think that Sampson was a dimwit and in many ways we would be right. Yet in Sampson we find common ground, a fatal flaw, which we all have.
People don’t want to repent of sin they want to manage it.
Sampson get some pleasure out of breaking free of the Philistines.
Vs 20 like all the other times I will shake myself free.
4 tries to get him

Those who fail to study history and learn from it are doomed to repeat it.
If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you have always got.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results.
2 Peter 2:20-22
Hebrews 6:4-8

How can we effect change in our lives?
look at where it takes you.
Make a decision to repent.
Take steps to not return there.
Enlist the help of godly people.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Judges 15: 1-20

Samson is the reluctant judge. Given great strength by God yet instead of delivering Israel from the Philistines he is out partying with them. So God sets events in motion to force Samson hand. This set of strange set of events are the work of God through the choices of men. If we look at them, we find that God is using the choices of men to bring judgement to the world today.

1.       The anger of Samson
a. leaving the wedding
b. she married the best man
c. 300 foxes terrorist attacks
d. a deal gone bad
e. 100 men with a jaw bone

2.       God in control
a. omnipotent, omniscience, omnipresent.
b. Providence
c. Job 12:23 Psalm 22:28 psalm 33:10
d. a world of terror, mass shootings, Americas longest war
e. global warming, fires, earthquakes and powerful storms
f. political events, protest
g. wake up world!
h. 1960 turmoil and 1970 revival

3.       What can we do with this information
a. self-exam
b. a God exam
c. share the good news
d. God’s desire is that none should perish
e. John 12:47, 1 peter 3:15, rom 5:8, John 3:16&17
f. is the final judgement coming soon?
g. Matthew 24:36, 2 peter 3:9

h. be ready and save as many as you can

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Judges 14:15-18 “Fool Me Once”

Judges 14:15-18 “Fool Me Once”

I am doing pre-marriage counseling with a couple. The woman has been married 3 times. I asked her what had happened to the other 3 marriages. She said the first divorce she was sure was his fault, the second divorce she thought she might have some responsibility. After the third divorce she came to realize she might be doing something wrong. Her fourth marriage didn’t last a month.

We like to think we are different than other people, stronger, smarter, the traps that catch other people’s lives will not catch us. We can text and drive and still be safe because we know what we are doing.

Sampson is playing a dangerous game. Samson is getting married to a Philistine. Her clan does not seem to be fighting the Israelites but they are surrounded by those who are. Oh mom those rules about marriage don’t apply to me because I’m Samson. Then he starts playing with them, with his little riddle game.

Unknown to Samson is the fact the forces of evil are working behind the scenes to get at him. They threaten his wife’s family to win the game.

1 Corinthians 15:33 (NIV2011)
33  Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”

Proverbs 6:27 (NIV2011)
27  Can a man scoop fire into his lap without his clothes being burned?


Matthew 6:22-24 (NIV2011)
22  “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. 23  But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!
24  “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.


1 Peter 5:8 (NIV2011)
8  Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

In the 1950’s we started a game with the Soviet Union, each of us building and refining nuclear weapons with the philosophy of deterrent. Assured destruction would prevent war. But it did not. Even worse is that no one ever conceived what would happen if those weapons where to fall into the hands of people who were willing to blow themselves up for their cause. Also no one ever considered that once these weapons were created there would be no way to truly destroy them.

We will see that Sampson will not stop playing his deadly games with the Philistines and it will bring him more pain than loosing a bet. Oh is Samson would have had someone he would listen to tell him to stop playing with fire.

The Good news is that Jesus has made it possible to stop playing the game. What ever the trap whatever the game we can choose to stop, turn around before any more damage gets done.

This is the good news for you, for your family and for the people you meet, Jesus makes something different possible. Jesus offers all of us and all of them, a new way and a new life. This is Jesus’ message to the world and your message to the world as well.