Sunday, February 18, 2018

Cleansing the temple John 2:13-22

Cleansing the temple John 2:13-22

The Jesus we see in this passage is not the typical picture of calm and understanding man. Here is a Jesus who upset, using righteous anger to confront the evil he sees in the temple.

There is debate are there two temple cleanings, or one. The other three gospels record it at the end of Jesus’ ministry, while John places it at the start of Jesus’ ministry. Most conservative Bible readers will say that Jesus cleanses the Temple twice.

Why is Jesus so upset? Picture in your mind Jesus chasing people around with a whip, turning over tables and such.

The temple was supposed to be a Holy Place. The temple court where this takes place was where the gentile people were to worship. The whole temple is 90 feet long by 30 feet wide. Not much bigger than our church sanctuary. One third of a football field excluding the goal areas. Not a lot of room there.

This is where the money changers and animal sellers set up shop. Many commentaries say the buyers and sellers where charging inflated prices for things.

Imagine you have traveled to Jerusalem to worship and you find no place to sit. Animals are roaming around, the noise and the smell. What does this buying and selling say about God?

Jesus’ actions say, “This is not what God is about” “do not make my Father’s house a house of trade.” Over the next three years Jesus will show us what true and holy worship is all about. He will teach us what God is all about.

In Zechariah 3:1-10 the High Priest is pictured in filthy garments to lead worship, Satan is there pointing out all the High Priest faults. God removes the filthy rags and cloths the High Priest with clean and pure cloths. In our passage Jesus is removing the filth from the temple so true worship can take place.

God wants a Holy Temple and Worshipers dressed in righteousness.

1 Cor 3:16&17 You are God’s temple. You are the place where God lives, and the rest of the world looks to you to see God.

1 Cor 6:19&20 You are God’s temple bought with Jesus’ blood on the cross. We are to glorify God with I His temple.

Eph 2:19-22 When we come together as a church we are also the temple of God, Holy and set apart for worship.

John 4:21-24 God does not live in buildings, He lives in the hearts of those who worship Him, and those who worship Him must do so in Spirit and in Truth.

What kind of temple are we? What have we filled it with? Do we care what it looks like inside? Do we strive to make it a Holy Place?

Psalm 139:23 &24 Ask God to help you make your heart, your mind, your life and your home a holy place, where God can be worshiped. Drive out that which is unholy and displeasing to God.


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