Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Ester 4:15-17 “Filling the Jars”

Ester 4:15-17 “Filling the Jars”
In the past few weeks we have been looking at the wedding in Cana of Galilee.  We considered why John put this in His Gospel and its placement.  Next we considered why Mary got Jesus involved. Last week we looked at the stone jars that represent the law, and the wine that represents Jesus’s blood poured out for our forgiveness.
Now consider this. You are one of the servants; you have heard Mary and Jesus talking. Mary comes over and says “do whatever he ask” and Jesus says “Fill the Jars with water” These jars of stone so they are not lite. They hold 20 to 30 Gallons of water each, that’s 120 to 180 gallons of water. These servants are going to wherever the water is and carry it tow the wedding site and fill these jars. This is a lot of work. Why didn’t Jesus Just fill the jars by snapping His fingers? He could have touched the Jars and they would fill with water.
I believe the answer is that the servants needed to know what was in the jars. They needed to know that they had filled the jars with water.  We also need to know that the servants had to work hard to put the water in the jars. There is the hard work of the soul that is needed for some miracles to take place.
1.       Ester 4:15-17
a. 1 kings 18:31-35 Elijah and the prophets of Baal
b. 2 kings 5:9&10 Naaman the leper
c. Acts 8:26-31 Philip and the road to Gaza
d. John 9:6&7 go and wash
2.       Faith demands action
a.       At the wedding it meant filling the Jars
b.      How crazy is that
3.       The hard work of the soul
a.   getting ready to fish
c.       Want to catch fish
d.      Win the game
e.      Want to lose weight
f.        Save for retirement
g.       We want a new and vibrant church
4.       What do you want God to do in your life?
a.       What is the hard work of the soul you need to do?
b.      What is the seed of faith God wants you to bring to the miracle table?
c.       Our churches success will come when each of us doing the hard work of the soul

I am sure the servants thought filling the Jars with water was hard work. I am sure they thought it a useless job and Jesus a nut. But without the hard work of filling the Jars with water there would be no wine for the wedding. No matter how crazy or difficult the task God has placed on your heart, your work of faith will bring the miracle you need.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Ezekiel 36:24-28 Jars of stone to hearts of love

Ezekiel 36:24-28 Jars of stone to hearts of love

We are using the backdrop of the wedding feast in Cana to explore the ministry of Jesus. Last week we explored why we should involve Jesus in the everyday part of our life. Now let’s take a look at the jars.

These are stone jars each holding 20 or 30 gallons of water. They are used for legalistic washing. Jesus chooses them for his containers. They had wine containers that were empty, why not use them? 120 to 160 gallon of wine, why so much?

1.       The hardness of the stone law.
a. the law was written in stone
b. Ezekiel 36 God describes the hearts of the people as stone
c. water that could not cleanses from sin
d. Matthew 6:21 the people treasured the stone
e. Matthew 24:12 the love of many grows cold

2.       A new heart and new spirit Ezekiel 36:24-28
a. turns water into wine
b. water for washing into the wine of the upper room
c. John 1:17 law through Moses, grace through Jesus
d. Matthew 9:17 New wine
e. hearts that treasure grace and forgiveness

3.       Where is your heart?
a. stone heart toward others
b. a stone heart toward yourself
c. it is time for a new heart
d. where do you need to set aside the jars of stone and receive a heart of love?

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Matthew 7:7-11 Why Involve Me?

Company can be fun or maybe you were company to someone else.  Visiting or being visited especially during holidays is something we enjoy and yet we are glad to have the house back to our selves. Then there are people who live near family and are in constant connection to them. Family is not something you visit but something you are immersed in, it’s part of you and your life. Where does God fit into all of this? Is Jesus someone you visit once a week or every now and again? Or is Jesus a part of you someone you are immersed in? What does He want to be?

1.       Jesus and Mary John 2:1-12
A. There is no more wine
a. Why? We don’t care
b. nor is how Jesus address His mother important
B. Why involve Me?
a. Mary knows Jesus heart
b. Mary knows Jesus can and will do something to help
C. no pleading or wondering type of discussion
D. She orders the servants confident that Jesus can and will act.

2.       God ask to be involved
A. Matthew 7:7-11
a. Matt 21:22
b. John 14:13&14
c. John 16:23&24
d. James 4:1-3
e. John 15:9-17

f. John 15:10&11

3.       Matthew 7:9-11
a. God gives good gifts

4.       God wants to be in relationship, involved with your life
a. God does not want to be visited once a week or once a month when you have nothing better to do.
b. Jesus wants you to dive in and be immersed in His life.
c. Jesus wants to be involved in your life.

Buying a new care? Have a Dr. Appointment, fall in love? Having a baby? Retiring from work? Going on vacation? Watching the grand kids, Just going to sit and watch TV?

Jesus wants to be involved ask to be involved, included that you joy may be full. Is there a part of your life that you have been keeping Jesus from? Will you let Him fully into your life? Like Mary you can come to Jesus with confidence, He hears, He cares, and He will act.