Sunday, September 29, 2013

John 3:1-8

John 3:1-8  “Wherever It Wills”

We all know people we would like to see become believers. People who we pray for and hope for and yet they never seem to come around to believe. We wish for some magic formula that would be said like an incantation that would open the minds and hearts of nonbelievers. There are booklets and sales pitches that have been developed that sometimes work. In this passage we learn something important about faith.

Jesus seems to be a master of strange conversations, and His conversation with Nicodemus is one of them.

1. I believe you are from God

2. No one can see the kingdom unless they are born again
A. Jesus is saying “Nicodemus you have been born again”
B. Jesus is saying “Nicodemus you need to be born again”

3. What is born again mean
a. the need for a spiritual rebirth
b. coming into a whole new world
c. to know there is a physical reality and a spiritual reality
d. 1 Cor 2:14

4. How does it work?
A. the wind blows wherever it wills
b. so it is with people born of the Spirit

A life event, a friendship, a song on the radio, a Sunday school lesson, a Bible found in a motel.

Business men, little children, High school student on a youth trip, a junkie in a gutter, a drunk on a bar stool, a person who has attended church every Sunday for years.

5. How do we live this
a. Always be ready 1 peter 3:15
b. Never count someone out
c. do not be afraid to take a chance.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

John 2:17-25 Gaining Peace and Understanding

John 2:17-25 
1. The disciples do not understand.
A. His actions 2:17
B. what He said 2:22, 16:18
C. Events and their own actions John 12:16
D. even at the empty tomb John 20:9

2. The Questions and events
A. Events that change us
B. find a new job
C. move to a new home
D. Make a new friend
E. Loose and old friend
F. People who die
G. People we fall in love with
H. Why God, How can you use this,
I. Caught up in the stream of life.

3. Gaining understanding
A. “If You Will Build It He will Come”
B. The Holy Spirit will 14:25&26
C.  John 16:12-14
D. Eph 1:17 Keep Asking
E. James 1:5 Asking

Life is a complex jumble of events that do not seem to make sense to us. Yet in the tangle of things God is at work. Through prayer the Holy Spirit will open our eyes to see, our mind to understand, and give our heart hope and peace.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

John 2:11-17 My Father's House

John 2:11-17 My Father’s House


1.       What Jesus saw

A.      The temple size

a.       The inner court (the size of our church)

b.      The court of the Gentiles (our parking lots)

B.      Animal trade

a.       Animals inspected, animals for sale, Dove for the poor

C.      Money changers

a.       Many coins used, Rome, Greek, local Jewish

b.      The Philippines

c.       Temple money, exchange rates

D.      What God intended

E.       How Jesus reacted

a.       Angry Jesus

b.      Uncomfortable Jesus, Jesus is not safe


2.       The new temple of God

A.      John 4:21 the woman at the well “You will no longer”

B.      John 14:17 the Holy Spirit will live in you

C.      1 Corinthians 3:16 You are God’s temple

D.      2 Corinthians  6:16 “we are the temple of the living God”

E.       Robert Munger “My Heart Christ Home”


3.       What is going on in God’s temple

A.      Our forbidden room

B.      1 Corinthians  3:12 You are building Gods temple

C.      1 Corinthians  6:19 what is going on in your body …

D.      What are we allowing to go on in God’s house?

E.       Are there things Jesus wants cleared out

F.       Are there things going on that would anger Jesus


You’re the temple of the living God. We should strive to make it a Holy Place.

Psalm 139:23&24 “Search Me, O God”

Sunday, September 1, 2013

additions to drawing out the wine

In all six Jars we have a choice of drawing out the wine or not. We draw out the wine by choice.


Phil 4:8&9 says “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.   Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice.   And the God of peace   will be with you.”


Gal 5:22 – 26 says; “  But the fruit  of the Spirit is love,  joy, peace,  patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness and self-control.  Against such things there is no law.   Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature  with its passions and desires.    Since we live by the Spirit,  let us keep in step with the Spirit. 

Let us not become conceited,  provoking and envying each other.


We must make a conscious choice to bring these things forward in our life and leave things that are contrary out of our life. But it is a purposeful choice it will not happen on it’s own. Paul discovered the war in himself and that even when he was working at drawing out the wine the sinful part of him often made it to the surface. In all six areas of life we must choose and work to draw out the wine.