Sunday, October 26, 2014

Mark 9:23-29 “Lord Help My Unbelief”

Mark 9:23-29 “Lord Help My Unbelief”

We all come to times and situations where our faith struggles. Last week we looked at how long we can believe, have faith. This week we look at how deeply or strongly we believe. Jesus is given another mission impossible assignment. Jesus is given a rock by a person in the crowd. A little screen pops out and a voice says “your mission if you choose to accept it, is to heal the demon possessed boy.” Then smoke pour out of rock as Jesus drops it to the ground. Then the music plays. But Jesus is the God of the impossible.

1.       The question
a. the boy’s father has tried the disciples and gotten no help.

b. “If you can help” shows his doubts.
c. could be because the disciples failed.
d. could just be his doubt that anyone could help.
e. but he comes to Jesus doubts and all.

2. Jesus’ frustration
a. “if I can help”
b. all things are possible for one who believes
c. Jesus is referring to Himself (look at his discussion with disciples vs 28)
d. The father ask for help to overcome is unbelief
e. then the healing takes place.

3. What is your impossible mission
a. heal a wound in your soul?
b. heal an addiction
c. a sin that will not go away
d. an emotional thing, a physical thing?
e. seeing our church grow
f. do you start your prayers with “Jesus if you can do anything about this”

If so it is time to ask God to help your unbelief. Bring your prayer and your doubts. Admit your doubts to God and ask Him to overcome your unbelief. 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Luke 18:6-8 “Will He Find Faith”

Luke 18:6-8  “Will He Find Faith”

Luke tells us that the point is for us to pray and not lose heart.

Pray and believe in the face of impossible odds?

Pray believe in the face of time?

Pray and believe in the face of ridicule?

What are your prayers?
Release from addiction, a sin, a physical affliction, broken heart
what are your prayers for our church?
That it would grow, become closer, more friendly, and reach more people?

Jesus calls us to be persistent in prayer and have faith.
Do we believe Him?
Do we trust Him?

Prov 3:5&6 trust in the lord
Phil 4:6&7 be anxious
phil 4:13 I can do all things
phil 4:19&20 My God will supply

When Jesus comes will He find Faith on the earth?
Will He find our church a church of faith?
Will He find you faith on the earth?

Jesus calls us to be persistent in prayer,
persistent in belief, persistent in trust, persistent in faith

Sunday, October 12, 2014

John 11:1-44 “Come Out”

John 11:1-44 “Come Out”

We go through many things in life, some of them not fun at all. We have so many questions. Why why why. Wars are going on or getting ready to start. Christians are dying for their faith. Strangely this passage tells our story and how Jesus fits into it.

1.       Lazarus dies

a.       Jesus could have left right away but he stays 2 days longer. Vs. 6

b.      The disciples don’t want to go there. Vs. 8

c.       Lazarus is dead vs 14

d.      Martha runs to Jesus vs. 20

e.      Mary remains seated.

f.        Mary and Martha say If you had only been here vs 21&32

g.       Jesus weeps. Vs 35

2.       You could have stopped my pain

a.       He could have stopped their pain from happening

b.      He could have stopped His own pain

c.       He could have avoided the disciples fears

d.      Instead He weeps with us, mourning with us.

3.       New life will come

a.       Our death is not final

b.      Wrapped in grave cloths

1.       Fears

2.       Compromises

3.       Family

4.       Debts

5.       Jobs

6.       Doubts

7.       Past sins

8.       Present sins

9.       Physical disabilities

10.   Mental hang-ups

11.   Addictions

12.   Bad attitudes

c.       So is the church

d.      Jesus calls us to life

e.      To take off the grave cloths and live again

f.        2 cor 5:17 a new creation

g.       Matt 9:17 new wineskins

h.      Rev 2:17 a new name

The time for mourning is past it is time to cut off the grave cloths and live!