Sunday, October 25, 2015

Phil 3:1-11 What do we trust

The old man looked around his study. There were pictures of him and well known people. Pictures of races, events, awards and trophies he had won. Through the years his identity had changed from the high school football player, to the college graduate, to the daring business man, to the proud father. Each replaced by a new identity until none of them described him anymore. His job today was to collect his most important things to take to his small senior apartment. His eyes caught the old Bible on the edge of his desk with it’s worn cover and beaten edges. The old man thought about the day he asked Jesus to be his savior and became a Christian when he was in Jr.High. Funny he thought that all the important things that lined the walls and covered the shelves had come and gone. I ams replaced by I used to bes. The only “I am” left was his faith in Jesus. He picked up his Bible walked out of his study and closed the door. Someone asked him if he was finished with that room, he replied I got the only thing that’s me.

At the time Paul writes Philippians some people wanted Christ Followers to be another sect of Jews. They were insisting that Christ Followers be circumcised among other things.

  1. What are we counting on?
    a. Paul’s Jewish status
    b. physical strength, looks, money, awards, influence, popularity, knowledge or intellect?
    c. good theology, the right church?
  2. Two bank accounts
    a. earth bond national
    b. heavenly trust
    c. coming bank failure
  3. Closing the old account
    a. changing your deposits
    b. learning to count again

What are you counting on? When you stand before God and he says why should I let you into heaven? What will you say? The only thing that will matter as you leave this world and close the door is Jesus.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Phil 2:12-18 “Can They See You”

Phil 2:12-18 “Can They See You”

Gun control debate, shootings in Oregon, Arizona, and many other places. Bombings in Turkey that killed 95 people.  Realistic video games that glorify and reward killing. TV shows that put people inside the thoughts of sociopathic and psychopathic killers, while desensitizing us to blood and gore. Our courts do not seek to raise the moral level of society but seek out the most debase level of human existence. If we trained a dog with these methods it would become a monster. Philippians 2:15 calls it a crooked and twisted generation.

What are we to do?
1. Live together without grumbling or disputing
a. a team at odds with its self cannot win
b. little changes so far, soon bigger changes must come.
2. Children of God without blemish
3. Holding fast to the Word of Truth

Shine as lights in the world
1. Most Christians do not have contact with Non-Christians (friendships)
2. Most Non-Christians do not have contact with a true Christian. (friendship)

The statue of Liberty
1. Can they see you?
2. Can they see us?

People addicted to drugs, alcohol, or porn, can they see you?
People homeless and abused, can they see you?
People lost and loaded with guilt, searching for salvation, can they see you?
Will we stop grumbling and disputing? Will we call ourselves to live to a higher moral standard? Will we seek to be unblemished Children of God? Will we hold fast to the Word of Truth?

Can they see you?
Can they see us?