Sunday, August 23, 2015

Philippians 1:19-26 What Will You Choose?

Philippians 1:19-26 What Will You Choose?

In the 17 and 18 century thinkers like John Locke and Henry Rousseau came up with the blank slate theory of psychology. That people are the product of their environment. Many people have the same idea about joy. The idea that joy is the result of your environment, the situation and event of your life is held by so many people today. If I only had more money, if I only had a different job, if I only had a different spouse, I could have joy. As we look at our scripture Paul shows us Joy is a choice.

Paul’s situation
in prison in Rome, set up by underhanded men.
Shipwrecked, beaten with rods, thrown off a cliff, and stones thrown at him until he left for dead.
Paul also endures an affliction he describes as a thorn in his flesh.
Paul’s environment would dictate that he should be joyless and miserable.

Paul chooses joy
vs 18 “Yes, and I will rejoice.”
Paul chooses to believe
vs 23 “My desire is to depart” he is worn out and physically hurting”
vs 19 “this will turn out for my deliverance”
vs 20 “I will not be ashamed”, Christ will be honored
vs 21 “To live is Christ to die is gain”

How can we do this?
Joy sucking people and events
Choose to want joy
Work camp Jackson Miss
believe in your deliverance, your situation is temporary
Look to honor Christ, Change your goal
Live for Jesus and not for yourself.

What will you choose today? Will you focus on your discomfort, you lot in life, or your physical conditions? Will you let the joy suckers win? Rejoice with Paul, Jesus saved you and loves you no one can take that away. There is a better place for you at the end of the road. Each day you can live to bring glory to God. Choose that Christ will be honored by your life. Then regardless of life’s situation you are a winner. What will you choose.

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