Sunday, August 16, 2015

Philippians 1:12-18 Why Me

Philippians 1:12-18 Why Me

Why do things, events or situations steal our joy? Is there a way past them to find joy again? This is what Philippians is all about, finding joy again.

1.       Life is unfair
a. Paul is in prison

b. because of his witness for Jesus

c. some seek to harm him even there vs 15, 17

d. physical

e. financial

f. work, school, ect.

2. looking past the situation
a. joy vs comfort
b. vs 12 to advance the gospel
c. encourage others to be bolder (Nelson Mandela)
d. 18 in every way and even with bad motives Christ is proclaimed

3. Getting past it
a. You have a right to be broken and angry
b. I understand I have been there
c. break the cycle of depression
d. stop asking how, why, and who
e. start asking how can God use this?

Paul found joy because he saw his goal of telling people about Jesus was being carried out even by those who meant to hurt him. If we are to find joy we must look for what God is doing and can do even with our suffering. Until we can do this joy will elude us.

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