Sunday, January 22, 2017

1 Corinthians 9:12-18 Giving Up Our Rights

1 Corinthians 9:12-18 Giving Up Our Rights

“Woe to me if I preach not the gospel”

Our country was built on the idea that we all have rights. Sometimes one person’s rights get in the way of someone else’s rights. At times, free speech and assembly becomes a riot. I was greatly disappointed at the protest against Donald Trump. I may be mistaken but I do not remember rednecks burning cars when Obama was elected. Those who call for peace and acceptance do not live out the very ideals they claim to hold dear.

This same trouble shows up in the church. Unfortunately, in many churches I have seen people who claim the forgiveness and acceptance of Jesus, not live out the very things they claim to hold so dear. In this passage, Paul talks about a power greater than your rights, the ability to set them aside for the Gospel.

1.       Member’s rights

a.       music you like

b.       liturgy or not

c.       parking

d.       spending

e.       decorations

f.        attention to how you think things should be done

2.       your rights, my rights, the Gospels rights

a.       our rights destroy the Gospel

b.       Meeting our desires get in the way of our ministry

c.       Those who look at us do not see us living what we claim to believe

d.       The power of the church is not assertion of our rights but in sacrifice

e.       Those who would save their life will lose it

f.        “Woe to me if I preach not the gospel.”

3.       What would you give up and for how long?

a.       Paul gave up his right to reach people

b.       What is the value of another person’s salvation?

c.       What would you sacrifice to see them saved?

d.       For how long would you sacrifice to see them come to Jesus

e.       Commit to be here every Sunday, not for your comfort or benefit

f.        Commit to serve not be served

g.       “woe to us if we preach not the gospel”

h.       Woe to us if we do not live that which we claim to believe


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