Thursday, December 10, 2015

A Christmas Message

I read a story about a woman who collected dolls. She kept them in display cases in her home so visitors could look at them. The woman had a friend visiting who noticed three dolls on the mantel over the fireplace. She asked about them and the woman explained that these were her most valuable dolls. Her friend understood the value of two of the dolls, for they were very beautiful. But the doll in the center of the mantel was a rag doll with a torn dress, an eye missing, and an arm coming off. The friend asked about why this doll was where it is? The collector of dolls told her that this was the most valuable doll of all. And then told her the story of the doll.

This doll was her first doll, which she had lost when she was a little girl. She looked for it everywhere but could never find it. Then when her grandmother died a few years back she was cleaning out her grandmother’s house and found the doll behind some boxes in the attic. The woman looked at her friend and said some things are loved because they are valuable, but this doll is valuable because it is loved.

When I see a manger scene I often think of the doll story. I usually start with the question why? Why would Jesus leave all the splendor of heaven to be born in a cattle stall? He grew up in a common laborer’s home and then died a criminal’s death. The Bible tells us that the resurrected Jesus still bears the scars of crucifixion and will for all eternity. How could it be for you and I? In Psalm 8:4 we read “What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” The Bible says that “all like sheep have gone astray” and “There is no one that is righteous, not even one.” Each and every one of us is flawed, sinful, and broken in some way. So why would God value you and I enough to come into our world that first Christmas day?

The answer is in the doll story; we are valuable to God because we are loved by God. God has chosen to love us. We don’t understand it when we look at all our flaws and brokenness but God has looked beyond these things and declared us to be special in His eyes. Because God chose to love us, there is a baby in a manger, a carpenter’s son, a man on the cross, and a lamb that was slain in heaven.

We will most likely receive gifts this Christmas, and we will place a value on these gifts for various reasons, but only one gift will place a value on us, God’s love. Because God loves us, we are valuable. Because God loves the rest of the people in this world, they are valuable to God and should be valuable to us. With all that goes on during Christmas keep in mind that you are valued enough for Jesus to come and save you, to come and find you. With all the gifts you receive treasure the gift that treasures you, God’s love. The baby in the manger, the carpenter’s son, the man on the cross, the lamb that has been slain, all for you. The best gift is the gift that makes you valuable, God’s love.

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