Sunday, March 29, 2015

Luke 19:28-40 “Even the Rocks Cry Out”

Luke 19:28-40 “Even the Rocks Cry Out”

What a skeptical it must have been. People lining the road trying to see Jesus. Spreading their coats on the ground and waving palm branches while shouting Hosanna (give salvation now) “Hosanna blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel”  Liberal scholars say that the crowds always did this at Passover but that is a Christian tradition that started long after Jesus died. But I want us to get a feel for the day.

1.      The setting

a.      While Jesus knew what was going to happen the disciples had no clue.

b.      He had sent two of them to get the donkey and its colt.

c.       Since leaving Jericho Mark 10:46 crowds have followed and lined the roads to see Jesus

d.      Mark 8:31 Jesus plainly tells of His coming death

e.      John 11:16 the disciples agree “Let us go and die with Him.

f.        John 12:7 “she has kept it for my burial

g.      John 12:16 The disciples do not understand

h.      John 12:19 “the whole world is going after Him”

i.        Luke 19:39&40 the Pharisees want Jesus to silence the crowd


2.      Silence Today

a.      Laws against nativities

b.      Laws against the ten commandments

c.       Laws against prayer

d.      Political correctness

e.      Social etiquette

f.        All telling us to be quite.


3.      How can we be quite

a.      Luke 19:40 “even the rocks cry out”

b.      Romans 1:20

c.       Isa 6:3 the whole earth is full of His glory

d.      How much greater is our motive

e.      We who have been freed, forgiven, and transformed

f.        Let the whole world know

g.      Do not be replaced by a rock

h.      Shout Hosanna!!! “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord”!!

i.        SHOUT IT WITH ME


Hosanna!!! “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord”!!

Hosanna!!! “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord”!!

Hosanna!!! “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord”!!
Let every part of you every day shout out Hosanna, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord

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