Monday, April 22, 2013


            Yesterday was Sunday the 21st of April. I preached my scheduled sermon because I was still in shock from all the events of last week. People killed and injured by bombs, car chases, shoot-outs, first responders killed at a fire, how do we handle all that. I have struggled to get past the world is headed to and end thought. All through history that has been the answer and yet history has gone on. I can only find my answer in two very similar pictures that happened in two very different events, that I want to share with you.

               The first is a picture of a man at the finish line in Boston. The man is carrying a woman to his car to drive her to the hospital. Just before the picture was taken he had used his belt as a tourniquet to stop her leg from bleeding, saving her life. Seeing the crowd of people he was not going to wait for help he picked her up and carried her. One man carried one woman to where she would be safe.

               The other picture was taken on a bridge during the Vietnam War. A South Vietnamese soldier was the last one across, assigned with blowing the bridge. That is when he saw someone struggling to carry a baby across to safety. Seeing they would not make it, he took the baby, blew the bridge, and ran. He took the baby girl to an orphanage and left her in their care. Only a month ago were they reunited. One man took one baby to where she would be safe.

               Both of these pictures were taken in extreme conditions. But there are people all around us fighting for their lives. They are beside us injured in many different ways. They need someone to carry them to where they are safe, Jesus. We cannot stop their addiction, fix their broken marriage, or heal their live’s brokenness, but we can carry them to someone who can, Jesus.

               It’s really not that hard, God will show you how. They really are not that heavy, God will help you lift them if you try. Stop and look around you. Pick up the person God has placed in your arms and carry them to Jesus. No sermons, no scripture quoting, or finger pointing needed, just your time and love will get them there.

               Nothing can make sense of the events of last week. No law or government will have the answers, but God does. The answer to the people fighting for their lives all around us is in those two pictures. One person carrying another person to where they are safe.

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