Sunday, January 27, 2013

Ecclesiastes 1:1-10 “The Man Without God”

Ecclesiastes 1:1-10 “The Man Without God”

Introduction: This is the great book on the meaning of life written by the wisest person to ever live, Solomon. For a book that is to give us the meaning of life, it is not starting out in a promising way. Everything in the world is utterly meaningless. It is amazing what a person will do to try and make their lasting mark on the world. Some have tried to rule it, killing millions of people in the effort, yet none ever have. Some people have built great structures, pyramids, sphinx, Stonehenge, great stone heads on Easter Island, Indian mound in the united states and great cities. Yet for all their effort we do not know the who, what, why and when, of these people. Some people have made great fortunes only to leave it behind for fighting relatives.

 1. Endless ages.

            a. Solomon could trace his ancestry back to Adam in the garden.
            b. generations came and went and many more to come.
            c. The earth had been designed with a renewing cycle.
                        Renews the earth
                        Washes away most evidence of the generations past
                        Peoples appetite for more vs 8&9
            d. Solomon saw the meaninglessness of pleasures, work, riches, even his wisdom
            e. everything has it’s time. Chapter 3


2. Solomon’s life without God

            a. nothing on earth escapes the cycle
            b. only when God is part of your life does life make sense.
            c. it is our relationship with God that takes you beyond the cycle of life.
            d. the round-a-bout
            f. 3-3x6x9+16=
            g. everything does mean something if there is God
            h. everything does mean something because it effects our eternal relationship


3. What should we do

            a. do not despair about the cycle
            b. focus on the eternal
            c. build your relationship with Jesus
            d. submit all of your life, all of your cycle to Jesus
            e. Matthew 6:19-20


Conclusion: Life does not have to be meaningless, it can be eternal. The meaningful life starts when you ask Jesus to forgive you and give Him control of your life. Do that while we pray and step out of the great meaningless cycle of earth and into the eternity of heaven.

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