John 1:35-50 “Come
and See”
Jesus has been introduced and now people will start seeking
Him out and following Him. The interaction between Jesus and the disciples
tells us something for us today. First though I would like to tell you about
some places.
I spent 6 years in the navy 4 of them on a destroyer. Often
I had time to sit on the deck and watch the water curl off the bow or sit on
the fantail and watch the water come out the screws. On sunny days the water stirred
water would turn a beautiful shade of blue that was so intense. That color was
so amazing; I have never seen it before and never seen it since. It is
something you have to see, there are no words that can take you there, no
picture or painting.
In June Don Landwehr, Tom White, Kathy and I went to climb
Mt. Alice just east of Estes Park CO. We did not make the top because our trail
came to giant snow cliffs that went vertical for some 500 feet and were to dangerous
to go up. So we sat and had lunch in such a place that you could never get it
into words or photographs. Why do you
climb a mountain? If you have to ask you would not understand the answer.
Some things you cannot explain for they must be experienced,
seen, to be understood.
Jesus is just walking by when John says “look the Lamb of
God” and two of John’s disciples start following Jesus. We know one is Andrew
and the other is John the writer of the gospel. You can almost feel the awkward
way they are following Jesus when He turns to them. Jesus simply ask “what do
you want?” They have no Idea what they want so they are digging for an answer. And
come up with “where are you staying?” There is no way that this is why they are
following Jesus.
Jesus could have given them an answer, 21st and
main, spare room in the temple, Holliday Inn Express. But Jesus says “Come and
See?” The strange thing is that John does not give an answer. He says they saw
the place but does not tell us where it is. The where question is lost and now
they are calling their friends. Since
the where is lost, Jesus must have meant something more when He said “Come and
you will see”
Come and See
Vs 50 “You will see greater things than this”
Matthew 4:18 -22 Jesus walks past the same group of men
rounding them up for a trip and just says “follow me”
Jesus can be talked about, studied in a Bible study, yet it
all falls short. For us to understand Jesus we must come and see. Take part,
with Jesus in the healing of a life. See Jesus truly answer prayers, to be part
of the work of Jesus in the world. Jesus says to all of us walk with me and you
will see amazing things. See colors that are brighter, be dwarfed by wondrous
cliffs, amazed at a changed life, your life.
There is no way to read it, hear about it or even watch it
from the stands, only on the field and in the game will do.
So Come and See is the challenge to us.
Come and See is also our message.
Vs 40 Andrew is so impressed with Jesus that he find his
brother Peter and says “come and see”
Philip gets the come and see/ follow me call from Jesus and
then runs off to find Nathanael and tells Him “Come and See” vs 46.
In John 4:29 the woman at the well says “Come and See” is
this not the Messiah?
There are people who are waiting for you to invite them, not
to church, not to a Bible study, but invite them to come and see.
Come see how God deals with the questions of your heart
Come and see how Jesus changes lives.
Come and see how Jesus has changed your life.
This is God’s powerful Plan to reach the world with
forgiveness, not a new book, a good sermon, or wonderful song, it’s the power
of an invitation first to you and then for you to give. “Come and See, and you
will see greater things than you can imagine. You will see the heavens opened
and the angels of God ascending and descending, eyes opened, and the lame walk.
Come and See.
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