Sunday, July 7, 2013

John 1 15

John 1:15-28 “Greater than Me”

INTRODUCTION: John’s Gospel is flowing with meaning. Here we have John the Baptist telling us what God has instructed him to do.  Yet in this same passage if we look at we find the instructions to the church. The church of John’s time was filled with Gnostics, people who claimed that they had special knowledge from God, that in turn made them special, usually this special knowledge gave them a way around living the life of Jesus. So all trough John’s Gospel He addresses their ideas. In doing so John addresses many of the same problems that exist in the church today.

1.     John’s confession

a.     Jesus is greater than me

John somehow understood that Jesus was greater than He. He knew one greater than was coming and when Jesus comes to be baptized he knows Jesus is the one who should baptize him. John was given a great place on the world stage, yet John always knew he was number two in the parade, a supporting actor.

b.     I am unfit to even untie Jesus’ sandals

How far was there between John and Jesus? John felt unworthy to untie Jesus’ sandals. Sandals covered with the dirt from the street, the lowest servant of the household type of job.

c.      I am here to make a path for God to reach people

John’s profession was to make a highway for God, not a highway to God. John knew that his work was making a way for God to reach the people. God was the only one that would move. John called the people to repent, be baptized. Paving the way.

Busting Rocks, John was also in a constant state of battle with some people. Vs 24. John is fighting the Pharisees who thought themselves the authority of God, holders of the knowledge of God. The same kind of people who become known as Gnostics.


2.     Our Confession

a.     Jesus is greater than we are

The church in America and Christians in America think of Jesus as their servant. Jesus is here to give us stuff, make our life comfortable, ectt.. We even have that our own Lord’s Prayer; “My kingdom come and my will be done, for this is earth and not heaven.” And our own hymn; “have my own way, Lord” When Jesus washes the disciples feet is demonstrating what they should do, not what He was going to continue to do.

To many people have Jesus mixed up with Igor from Frankenstein, Yes Master.

We are to serve Jesus and others.

b.     We are unfit to even untie Jesus’ sandals

How far down the list are we? At our best we are unfit to touch the laces on Jesus’ sandals. Yet all too often church and worship is all about us. Worship that moves us, sermons that entertain and make us think, but not too much. Music we like. Ect.. But Worship is supposed to be all about God, and the best form of worship is to do the things God ask us to do.


Mic 6:8 He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly  and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.


Romans 12:1 Therefore, I urge you,   brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices,  holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual  act of worship.


3.     Our profession

a.     Make a path, a way for God to reach people

b.     Bricks, for pavement or walls

c.      We tend to be wall builders, walls to keep people in, walls to keep people out. More concerned with our own stats than Gods’

d.     2.5 million People will die in the US, 333 of them will be in Marinette C.

e.     How many will know about Jesus?

f.       Good paving is done on your knees.


Conclusion: Do we know and live out our real relationship to God? Are we paving a path or building a wall?

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