Thursday, August 1, 2013

John 1:43-47 "Someone is Watching"

John 1:43 – 49 “Someone Is Watching”

On the news was another person who was online doing something they should not have. It seems there is a new video, webcam, cell phone picture, or YouTube of someone misbehaving. The truth in our digital age is that someone is always watching. Just as the Bible says “things done in private are shouted from the roof tops.

This passage has to do with a part of God’s nature we like to forget. God is watching, all seeing, all present. When we think of it we mostly think of a judgmental God glaring down on us with disapproval. But there may be another side to this story to think about.

Nathanael is shocked that Jesus knew of his actions. We are left to wonder is Jesus being sarcastic when he calls him a true Israelite in whom there is no deceit. Was Jesus saying I saw your deceitful action, your lie, your dishonesty? Or is Jesus saying I saw how you were honest, told the truth, in a complimentary way? We do not know because Jesus could be sarcastic at times. But whatever was seen shocked Nathanael to the point of knowing that Jesus was God.

Nathanael is shocked because he is sure that no one has seen what he did under that fig tree. Yet Jesus knows about it even saying He saw what Nathanael was doing. We all have a place an event that we are sure it is private and we would be horrified to know that God saw it. Words spoken between friends that hurt someone, an unkind action, a less than honest deed.

Psalm 139:1-4

The idea of God watching our every move can be terrifying, unless we are foolish enough to believe we never sin. If we truly believe that God is watching it may make a difference in what we choose to do. But all to often it is easier to pretend that God is blind.

Romans 2:16 there is a day when God will reveal and judge.

But as I said there is something else here for us.

I was at a pool and there were parents and kids running around playing in the water. There were a lot of water wings and dog paddles. In one corner of the pool area, as far from the action as you could get a young mom sat under an umbrella. She was not the play in the swim pool type, but she sat watching her kids, laughing when they did something funny, on the lookout for weird dangerous looking people. She pretended to be reading a book but her eyes were always moving, watching.

Here is an aspect of God always watching that we almost never consider. God sees and watches but not just for judgment but to know us, care for us and protect us. God sees our struggles, our hurts and our pain. God sees our success, joy, love and work.

Hebrews 7:25, Romans 8:26&27

God is there at the bedside as someone we love dies, God sees our love, hurt and loss. But more than that Jesus intercedes for us, prays for us, and hopes for us. Jesus wants the best for us, to see us laugh and to share our lives. God is watching and God sees us even when we sure He does not.

This is the ultimate question of Job, Job wants to know if God sees Him, and what He is going through.

I once visited a woman in the hospital when they used to give a list to me of everyone from our little town. As I talked to her she shared what was wrong with her. I recognized it as a result of having AIDs. I asked her and she said yes she had AIDs, from her past drug abuse. We talked longer and she wanted to know if God knew, about her being sick, her past mistakes, the changes she made to late in life. She needed to know that God saw, God knew, and more than for judgment, but also in love.

What is going on in your life? Happy, sad, laughter, tears, struggles or blessings? God sees them all. At times just to know that some one sees us is the greatest thing we can have.

Nathanael was shocked that Jesus said He saw him and knew of his actions. If we truly understand what Jesus is all about we should be encouraged knowing that God sees us, knows us. Someone is watching like a parent at a playground or a beach. Loving, caring, praying and interceding. Jesus sees us.

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