Sunday, February 17, 2013

Isaish 1

Isaiah 1:10-18
Our trip through the Bible now takes us from the books of wisdom, to the Prophets. Often people make the mistake of thinking of the Prophets as fortune tellers. People who were predicting the future. Though they did that they were more like pastors, making social commentary and reflections. Holy men through whom God would warn the people, try to call them back. Even though their words predicted the future and even speak to our present, they were first and foremost words for the people of their day. Today we start Isaiah. Isaiah writes at the time of the fall of the northern tribes of Israel in 722 BC. He is writing to the people of Judah for the most part, who will fall to the Babylonians in 586. From Isaiah we get the idea of the Messiah, the suffering servant of God who will restore the nation and the people. Today we start with Chapter 1 which really is an overview of the entire book.


A.  Religiously correct

            Sacrifices, burnt offerings, incense, festivals and appointed feasts.

            They have the religious part down well, like a clock.

            They have the right music, the worship team, the pastor with a perfect hair, a smooth tongue and a bright smile. All the spiritual bling, glamour and glitter.

            Yet this religious stuff is not working for God. Vs 12-14

            God has stopped listening vs 15

            Vs 2&3


B. Let us reason together

            God wants to make a deal

            What God wants is reasonable

            Today our world is crippled with unreasonableness.

            From congress to board rooms to families.

            On the news the celebrate some meaningless compromise (color of the restroom walls)


C. Gods’ offer

            Vs 16&17 Stop doing what is wrong, learn to do right.

            Seek justice, encourage the oppressed, defend the widow and the orphans

            Willing and obedient

            Your sins will be forgiven vs 18

            You will eat the best from the land vs 19


Where are you today? Are you religious or do you have a relationship with God. Are you being obedient or leaning heavy on that forgiveness thing. Are you busy naming and claiming the blessings of God while you shirk your responsibilities to God. Jesus wants you to get real, be reasonable. Romans 12:1 KJV “present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service.” Let us stop doing what is wrong and start doing what is right.

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