Isaiah 12:1-6 “In That Day”
Isaiah writes about God’s judgment upon the people. God sets
forth various reasons. They forget to worship Him, they acknowledge other Gods
and even worship them, and they take advantage and oppress each other. Isaiah
tells how God will bring the Assyrians and the Babylonians to punish the
people. Yet Isaiah has some good news. A day is coming, a day of redemption.
1. in that day
a. in this
instance the word for day “yom”, might be better translated “time”
b. God
tells the people a remnant will return and prosper again 538 – 432BC
c. chapter
11 tells of a new kind of leader
d. 11:6-9 true
peace will come
e. still “in
that day” God will gather His people a second time. 1948
f. the day
is not finished until Jesus returns.
2. present history
a. chapter
12 in that day refers to the time of Ezra when he reads the law
b. it also
refers to a time yet to come when modern Israel will return to God
c. But more
importantly the “yom” of chapter 12 is your Yom and my yom
3 our day
a. a world
full of anger, anger we do not understand, from neighborhood and school
shootings to wars in Afghanistan. Why all the anger? As a result we work hard
at not upsetting people.
b. But this
scripture tells us that God is angry with us just as He has been with Israel.
c. but His
anger has been turned away, as we draw water from the Well of Salvation.
d. Jesus
said in John 7:38 when you believe in Him streams of living water will flow
e. The most
valuable resource is water, the need for clean water, water is protected
f. the superstition
mountains of Arizona , every year people die hiking from dehydration
g. the well
of salvation will never run dry, no need to guard it or limit it
h. it cannot
be bottled, sold, or stolen, it is free.
I. God’s
requirement, rejoice in His kindness
J. give as
much of it away as you can.
Someone you know or might meet needs their day. Their hot
and dry from the struggles of life. They are thirsty and lost just as you where
or have been. The water of salvation is what they need and Jesus has given you
a big cool bottle full, if you give it away, Jesus even promises to give you
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