Lev 11:1-8
INTRODUCTION: About the rapture/end of the world thing. A person should spend their time looking for the plain meaning of scripture and obey it, not spend your time looking for secret codes to discover when the end of the world is to come. The point of the Bible is to make you ready for that day, not tell you when it is. Though President Osama’s recent policy shift on Israel, and the killing of Obama Bin Laden, could be some kind of major sign of the Apocalypse.
Leviticus is steeped in Law. Laws that cover offerings, laws that cover what you can and cannot eat, laws about purification, infectious diseases, and even sexual relationships. Many of these laws are about keeping people healthy and safe. Some have spent a great deal of time looking and trying to understand these laws in terms of safety and health. Yet this might be as big of a mistake in Bible reading as looking for secret codes. While many of the Laws of Leviticus are recognized to be good for health reasons and for civilized culture, they cannot all be explained in these terms. I think we might better understand these laws when look in terms of identity.
1. Clean and unclean animals
A. Animals had been divided into clean and unclean for a long time
B. Noah was told about taking clean and unclean animal into the ark Gen 7:2
C. It appears that some laws were given to Adam and Eve
D. Coming out of Egypt they had forgotten about clean and unclean animals
E. Now God gives them these laws but not for safety but for identity
F. These laws set them apart
G. Do not be like the people of the land, you belong to me.
H. Later in Acts 10 Peter is told to eat all things not because they are now safe
I. He is told to eat because God’s family now has a wider identity
2. A new look at God’s law
A. Safety
B. Civilized behavior (getting along)
C. Indemnity
D. Opportunity for sacrifice
E. Show obedience and submission to God
3. Living as his people
A. 1 Peter 2:9-12
B. Romans 12:1
C. James 1:22-27
Conclusion: What a difference it makes when we stop looking at God’s law as restrictions and start seeing them as opportunities to show our love and obedience.
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