Tuesday, May 17, 2011

congregational letter May 11, 2011

May 11, 2011

Dear Members and Friends,

We are writing to keep you informed about what your Session is doing in response to our members concerns over the changes in the Presbyterian Church.

Many people have expressed their dissatisfaction that the Presbyterian Church USA supports abortion in all forms and every stage of pregnancy. Also, many are concerned about statements made by the national church against Israel. Both of these stances of the Presbyterian Church USA are contradictory to what the Bible teaches.

On May 10th the Presbyterian Church USA approved an amendment to remove part of our ordination standards. The standard was that Deacons, Elders and Ministers must limit sexual relationships to marriage between a man and a woman, or maintain chastity in singleness. This allows those who wish to live with someone of the opposite or same sex, or those who want even less committed relationships, to be leaders in our church. This is directly opposed to what the Bible teaches. This change will take effect July 11th, 2011.

Many members have expressed that they will not be able to maintain a relationship with the Presbyterian Church USA because of this change. We have already lost families over this issue and know that some people will not try attending our church because of its relationship to the Presbyterian Church USA. Others in our church have asked that their Per Capita be withheld from the national church in protest. For many years our church and our pastor have been a minority voice within the Presbytery, opposing the various unbiblical actions and statements of the national church. We hope you understand this is not a change in the values of Faith Presbyterian Church, but a change in the values of the Presbyterian Church USA that has brought us to this place.

What concerns us now is that the change in ordination standards could split and destroy our church here in Crivitz. We want to keep the Bible as our standard for faith and life in our church, keep our church family together as it is now, and keep our church property, which we all have worked so hard to build and maintain. We believe that if we stand together there is a way to meet all of these goals.

Since we became aware that this change in ordination would pass, we have been discussing what we must do to keep our church family together. Pastor has had discussions with Presbytery officials, and we have had one special session meeting to talk over the issue. So far the Presbytery has responded with kindness and concern for our church family, and we expect this to continue as they work with us. We are planning to have a meeting with officials from the Presbytery in the next few months. We also plan to have congregational meetings, both with and without the officials of the Presbytery, to discuss our feelings and responses to the changes in the Presbyterian Church USA.

Figuring out what must be done, and how to do it, to keep our church family together will take some time. This process will require us to be patient, kind and loving toward each other, even while expressing differing opinions and options. Any solution will require some compromises from everyone.

What we ask you to do now is to read your Bible and become informed about the issues. Please pray for your session, pastor and our church for the Holy Spirit to guide us and give us wisdom. Please don’t panic or worry about this, God will guide us and has a plan. Keep an open mind to how God is directing us. And finally, do not be afraid to talk to session members personally about your questions and concerns. All of our session meetings are open meetings which can be attended by members of the church.

We pray that God will lead us and protect us through this difficult time for our church family. We pray that through the months ahead our church family will grow closer and stronger. May God bless each one of you and give you His peace.

With the Love of our Lord Jesus,

The Session

Faith Presbyterian Church


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