Sunday, January 29, 2017

1 Cor 9:19-23 “Connecting With People”

1 Cor 9:19-23 “Connecting With People”

This section of scripture tells us the importance of making connections to people to share the Gospel. When we go out into the world to share our faith we have barriers to the Gospel. At any one time, you may be facing several barriers to be overcome before the message can get to them. The way they think, what they value, how they look at life and the world, are so different from you. The words they use, music they listen to, and their knowledge base, all are as foreign from our world as a third world country. If the church is going to reach the lost with the Gospel, we must bridge the culture gap.

Paul traveled to parts of the world that had many different cultures. When in the presence of Jews, he followed their culture and practices, but put his Trust in Jesus not works. He would eat as they do, use their words and concepts to make a connection with them.

When ministering to gentiles he could leave his Jewishness behind and make connections with them. Their food and customs even their words. All to shorten the gap. He identified with the weak. He identified with the powerful. He bridged the gap as much as he could so they could understand the Gospel.

The churches strategy by and large is sit contained in our building and expect people to come in and make the effort to understand us. We need a new strategy if we are going to win people with the Gospel.

1.       Go where they are.

a.       Increase our footprint in the community

b.       Become involved in community

c.       Be seen in town

d.       Make friends

2.       Understand their lives

a.       Their needs

b.       Their issues

c.       The way they think

d.       What they value

3.       Walleyes and deer

a.       If you want to catch walleyes, where do they eat, sleep, spawn, temp…

b.       If you want to shoot deer, where they eat, sleep, drink, travel, protect themselves.

4.       They are not like you.

a.       What they think, value, eat, and so much more.

b.       We must bridge the culture gap, make connections where we can.

c.       What can you do to help bridge the gap, make a connection?

I have become all things to all people that that I might save some.

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