Sunday, August 31, 2014

Psalm 1:1-3 “trimming the roots 1” The Bonsai Church

Psalm 1:1-3 “trimming the roots 1” The Bonsai Church

One part of the Bonsai process is to trim the roots, which starves the tree of vital nutrients needed for growth. The tree becomes completely dependent on the caregiver for the things needed for growth. This can be said of many a stunted Christian and Church, they are totally dependent on the two or three sentences of the Bible read and expounded on by the pastor each week. But if we are going to be like the tree of Psalm 1, planted by the river and yielding fruit, we need our roots.

For many people talking about reading the Bible brings pictures of a forbidding book (hold up a giant Bible). It-th is-th written-th in-th a-th langue-th we-th can-th read-th. On top of that it has names we can’t even pronounce. Yet Gods’ word is so vital to our growth personally and as a church. Yet most Christians have a love hate relationship with their Bible. They read it as a new year’s resolution, they read it because they are told to, it’s a duty, a requirement, they have a Bible reading plan in their Bible and want to show their friends it’s checked off. They study their Bible because they want to be part of the group. Some other Christians do not read their Bible because they just don’t like what it says.

1.       What the Bible says about it’s self

a.       Psalm 119:6-16

b.      Psalm 119: 105

c.       2 Tim 3:16 &17

d.      Josh 1:8

e.      James 1:22-25

f.        Matthew 4:4

g.       Hebrews 4:12

2.       Sink your roots deep in the Words of God.

a.       To avoid the Bonsai life and church

b.      Sink your roots deep into all the Bible

c.       Learn to drink it in like a sponge

d.      Wrap it around you like a blanket on a cold winters evening

e.      Use it as a healing balm on your battered soul and heart

f.        Drink it in like a cup of hot coffee on a cool morning

If you will do these things the Bible will help make you become the tree of Psalm 1, growing and fruitful. Not just surviving but thriving.

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