Sunday, December 28, 2014

2 cor 5:16&17 “A New Beginning”

2 cor 5:16&17  “A New Beginning”

Steve Wozniak designed and built the first personal computer in his garage workshop. Since he worked for HP at the time he had to get them to give him the rights to his computer. The people at HP could not see the opportunity that the personal computer presented and they gave Steve the rights to his computer design and Apple Computer was born.
            You have most likely heard a lot of sermons on 2 Corinthians 5:17 that center on the forgiveness of your past, I want to focus on the opportunity of the future.

1.      Personal opportunities
a. choose who or what you will be. 2 Corinthians 5:15
b. being transformed 2 Corinthians 3:17
c. be transformed Romans 12:1&2
d. be conformed to the likeness Romans 8:29

2.      Opportunity in others
a. Where do we focus when we look at people?
b. the lostness of people, how broken and sinful they are?
c. Do we look at what they can become?
d. the stake thief

e.      Jesus looked at a tax collector but saw a disciple
f. Jesus looked at a fisherman and saw a leader
g. approach and treat people as possibilities

3.      Opportunity in the church
a. we do not have to be what we have always been
b. we have opportunities to transform who and what we are
c. focus on the newness that is ours in Christ.
This new life in Christ is more than erasing our past it is an opportunity for the future, our future. The people we meet every day also have an opportunity to become something new. So let us set our sights on what and who we and others can become and let Jesus transform our world.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Matthew 2:1-12 “A New Kind of King”

Matthew 2:1-12 “A New Kind of King”

Today is the fourth Sunday of advent. The day of the kings. The Wise men come from the east and announce Jesus as King and present gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh.  

1.      The Story
a. wise men, “Magi” magicians or astrologers.
b. seeking a great King of the Jews,
c. they cause trouble for Jerusalem and Herod
d. Chief priests and Scribes
e. summoned the wise men
f. learned of the time
g. The wise men go and worship
h. Leave another way
i. Joseph, Mary, and Jesus leave for Egypt
j. Herod kills the children

2.      A king of hearts and lives not nations
a. They looked for a king for the nation
b. God knew something different was needed
c. Tony Evans “the messed up man”.
d. The key to the nation and world is the heart of the individual

3.      How do you change the world?
a. We allow God to be our King, transforming our life
b. We help Jesus to become the King for our family and neighbors
c. Is Jesus your King, does He rule in your life?
d. a simple prayer and a big decision.

Jesus did not come to be the King of a nation that would conquer the world, Jesus came to be King of the individual and transform the world.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Luke 2:8-19 Why the shepherds?

Luke 2:8-19 Why the shepherds?

We can with just a little imagination put ourselves out on the hillside watching the stars, listening to the murmur of the sleeping flock in the dark. No campfire because you need your night vision to keep watch for predators. Then suddenly one angel appears and announces the birth of the savior, the Messiah. Then just as suddenly a host of angels to sing “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom He is well pleased.” And then they are gone. Your eyes still blinded to night slowly adjust to the darkness, and then your mind starts to think.

“Did you see that?” “What about you?” Then they decide to go off and find Jesus.

I wonder why Shepherds? I have often focused on the ordinariness of the shepherds, people like you and I. Not people of great power, influence, or affluence.  But the shepherd has been used throughout Israel’s history to talk about spiritual leadership.

1.      A shepherd
a. Psalm 23
b. King David
c. Zechariah, Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Micah, the spiritual leadership

2.      The worthless shepherds
a. Zechariah 11:15-17
b. Matthew 9:36
c. Ezekiel 34:1-10

3.      The Good Shepherd
a. Isaiah 40:9-11 proclaim the good news from the hills
b. Micah 5:4
c. Ezekiel 34:11-24
d. John 10:7-16

Jesus is the Good shepherd, He searches for the lost, carries the weak, Heals the broken, He lays down His life for His sheep. This is why the angels come to proclaim the news to Shepherds and not to kings. And it is why with faith we can say. (Read Psalm 23)   

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Bethlehem Luke 2:1-7

Bethlehem Luke 2:1-7

Mica 5:2

Bethlehem means house of bread, Ephrathah means fruitful. It is a little town south of Jerusalem. The town was considered too little to even be considered among the clans of Judah. David came from Bethlehem and when Judah brought out his sons to Samuel (1 Samuel 16), David was not brought to see Samuel. David was left to watch the flock while his more prospective brothers are presented.

Bethlehem sat for the next 700 years after Mica makes his prophecy about the coming Messiah. People who studied the scripture knew of Bethlehem but paid little attention to what went on there. The people of Bethlehem they do not pay attention or look forward to the coming Messiah. You might think the little town would take hold of the prophetic message and name their football team the Messiahs. Perhaps build a home for the coming King. But they do not.

Into this normally sleepy, forgotten town come Mary and Joseph. The town is full now because all the descendants of David the King must come there to be counted in a Roman census. Mary and Joseph have no place to stay but they do find a place that has a manger or feeding trough to use as a crib for Jesus to lie in.

2. Jesus is coming again
a. John 14:1-3 “I go to prepare a place for you”
b. many of the messianic prophecies have yet to be fulfilled.
c. Rev 22:7-14 “Behold I am coming soon”
d. Matthew 24:30-44 All will see it and no one knows the day
e. Jesus warns of not being ready
f. The man who comes to the wedding not dressed properly Matthew 22:11-14
g. Matthew 25:13 watch and be ready
h. the Talents (14) and the caring for the king (vs 44)

3. Are we ready?
a. year 2000 and a friend
b. Are we ready?
c. Are the people we know ready?
d. The man with cancer in LV I waited too long.
e. 1 peter 3:15 always be ready

Bethlehem the forgotten sleepy little town had forgotten itself. They stopped believing or looking for the messiah.  Let us be ready in our hearts and lives to meet Jesus face to face with Joy and thanksgiving. Let us meet him with our friends and neighbors by our sides singing and rejoicing in praise to Jesus’ forgiveness and grace. Let us be ready when the King comes back.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Isaiah 7:4 What do you need?

Isaiah 7:4 What do you need?

Ahaz King of Judah finds that the 10 Northern tribes, called Israel, have joined forces with Syria to attack him. His army suffers a great defeat, 2 Chronicles 28. Ahaz needs a new army but God sends him something else a Baby.

1.       Ahaz
a. worshiped every god except the real one.
b. 2 chronicles 28:2-4 28:22-25
c. God gives Ahaz a chance Isaiah 7:10 But he refuses
d. So God pronounces Judgment
e. He wanted an army but God sends him a Baby.

2.       Israel wanted a warrior King but God sends them a Baby
a. 700 years after Ahaz the people of Israel were looking for a Messiah
b. They look at prophecies about the warrior king
c. Isaiah 7:14, Micah 5:2, 2 Samuel 7:12, Gen 49:10, Gen 12:2
d. the savior God sends is for their souls not their country

3.       Everyone but Jesus
a. confused, lost, broken and looking everywhere for help
b. new car, new video game, more money, facelifts and tummy tucks.
c. exercise, diets, overeating, magic pills, or another party.
d. power crystals, tarot cards, any and all religions.
e. But God sent them a baby
f. a suffering servant to save their soul not their carnal life.

What have you been looking for Jesus to be? A marriage counselor? A financial planner? A family therapist, a job finder? A love doctor? A Physical trainer. You may think you need an army, but God knows you need a Baby. A baby born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago, to suffer and die to forgive your sins and save your soul. Each of us must receive this gift. Open it and make it ours. A simple prayer will do. Lord Jesus forgive my sin. I accept your death on the cross in my place. Lord Jesus I give You my life. Give me a new life today that I can live for You. Amen. Whatever you think you need, what you really need is a Baby.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Mark 12:28-34 “The greatest commandment”

Mark 12:28-34 “The greatest commandment”

The Jewish legal system had grown into hundreds if not thousands of thou shalt nots. All of them considered important. It is enough to make you dizzy. Imagine driving through Minneapolis and all the road signs are missing. Now you have to drive remembering all the laws of the road with no reminders. No speed limit signs, no stop signs, no one way signs, no white or yellow lines, and no school or work zone signs. And while you are trying to remember all the laws about driving and parking there is a police person just waiting to write you a ticket. That is how it must have felt for the average Jewish person in Jesus’ time. But what if you could take all those laws and distill them into one or two commandments. Some countries have only two driving laws, don’t you let nobody hit you and don’t you hit nobody.

1.       There is only one God
a. There is only one God and you are not Him.
b. God is not your check book. Or your 401K.
c. God is not your good looks. your important job.
d. God is the one who created you, and saved you

2.       Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.
a. love God with all that you are.

3.       Love your neighbor as yourself.
a. Why add this, it was not part of the question?
b. If you love God you will love the things God loves.
c. John 3:16 Romans 5:8
d. John 13:34-35
d. John 15:12-17
e. Matthew 5:43-48
f. James 2:1-4 & 8-10

Opportunities to Love God exist all around us. We meet them every day. We talk with them, work with them, live and play with them. Jesus knew we did not need hundreds and thousands of rules and laws. Two will do just fine.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Mark 10:46-52 What Do You Want Me To Do?

Mark 10:46-52 What Do You Want Me To Do?

One of the things I have learned through years of counseling people is that what they think they want is not what they need or even truly desire for their life. They want to continue to do the same things and somehow get different results. The saying I love says “if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you always got. Two weeks ago we talked about believing or having faith in the long term. Last week we talked about believing deeply. Now we have the question of what do we really want and what are we willing to do to get it?

1.Bartimaeus gets ready
a. Bartimaeus the beggar by the road
b. people passed by and ignored him all the time.
c. He shouts out to Jesus
d. people around him tell him to shut-up
e. He shouts even louder

2. Jesus stops
a. Jesus calls him
b. Bartimaeus springs up and comes to Jesus
c. “What do you want me to do for you?”
d. “I want to see.”
e. “Go your way” he is healed and then follows Jesus

3. What do you want me to do for you?
a. What is it you really want Jesus to do?
b. how far are you willing to go to get it?
c. cry out to God, throw off your comfort robes, run in the darkness
d. If you always do….

4. Your encounter
a. Imagine you are sitting by the road
b. in your heart cry out to Jesus
c. though people tell you it’s no use yell even louder
d. Jesus stops and turns around and calls you
e. you run to him and He looks at you.
d. Jesus ask you “What do you want Me to do for you?”
e. Tell Jesus right now.
f. Listen now as Jesus tells you it is done “your faith has made you well.”

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Mark 9:23-29 “Lord Help My Unbelief”

Mark 9:23-29 “Lord Help My Unbelief”

We all come to times and situations where our faith struggles. Last week we looked at how long we can believe, have faith. This week we look at how deeply or strongly we believe. Jesus is given another mission impossible assignment. Jesus is given a rock by a person in the crowd. A little screen pops out and a voice says “your mission if you choose to accept it, is to heal the demon possessed boy.” Then smoke pour out of rock as Jesus drops it to the ground. Then the music plays. But Jesus is the God of the impossible.

1.       The question
a. the boy’s father has tried the disciples and gotten no help.

b. “If you can help” shows his doubts.
c. could be because the disciples failed.
d. could just be his doubt that anyone could help.
e. but he comes to Jesus doubts and all.

2. Jesus’ frustration
a. “if I can help”
b. all things are possible for one who believes
c. Jesus is referring to Himself (look at his discussion with disciples vs 28)
d. The father ask for help to overcome is unbelief
e. then the healing takes place.

3. What is your impossible mission
a. heal a wound in your soul?
b. heal an addiction
c. a sin that will not go away
d. an emotional thing, a physical thing?
e. seeing our church grow
f. do you start your prayers with “Jesus if you can do anything about this”

If so it is time to ask God to help your unbelief. Bring your prayer and your doubts. Admit your doubts to God and ask Him to overcome your unbelief. 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Luke 18:6-8 “Will He Find Faith”

Luke 18:6-8  “Will He Find Faith”

Luke tells us that the point is for us to pray and not lose heart.

Pray and believe in the face of impossible odds?

Pray believe in the face of time?

Pray and believe in the face of ridicule?

What are your prayers?
Release from addiction, a sin, a physical affliction, broken heart
what are your prayers for our church?
That it would grow, become closer, more friendly, and reach more people?

Jesus calls us to be persistent in prayer and have faith.
Do we believe Him?
Do we trust Him?

Prov 3:5&6 trust in the lord
Phil 4:6&7 be anxious
phil 4:13 I can do all things
phil 4:19&20 My God will supply

When Jesus comes will He find Faith on the earth?
Will He find our church a church of faith?
Will He find you faith on the earth?

Jesus calls us to be persistent in prayer,
persistent in belief, persistent in trust, persistent in faith

Sunday, October 12, 2014

John 11:1-44 “Come Out”

John 11:1-44 “Come Out”

We go through many things in life, some of them not fun at all. We have so many questions. Why why why. Wars are going on or getting ready to start. Christians are dying for their faith. Strangely this passage tells our story and how Jesus fits into it.

1.       Lazarus dies

a.       Jesus could have left right away but he stays 2 days longer. Vs. 6

b.      The disciples don’t want to go there. Vs. 8

c.       Lazarus is dead vs 14

d.      Martha runs to Jesus vs. 20

e.      Mary remains seated.

f.        Mary and Martha say If you had only been here vs 21&32

g.       Jesus weeps. Vs 35

2.       You could have stopped my pain

a.       He could have stopped their pain from happening

b.      He could have stopped His own pain

c.       He could have avoided the disciples fears

d.      Instead He weeps with us, mourning with us.

3.       New life will come

a.       Our death is not final

b.      Wrapped in grave cloths

1.       Fears

2.       Compromises

3.       Family

4.       Debts

5.       Jobs

6.       Doubts

7.       Past sins

8.       Present sins

9.       Physical disabilities

10.   Mental hang-ups

11.   Addictions

12.   Bad attitudes

c.       So is the church

d.      Jesus calls us to life

e.      To take off the grave cloths and live again

f.        2 cor 5:17 a new creation

g.       Matt 9:17 new wineskins

h.      Rev 2:17 a new name

The time for mourning is past it is time to cut off the grave cloths and live!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 “not alone”

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12  “not alone”

We have just a couple of things left to learn about the Bonsai Christian Life and the Bonsai church. One of the characteristics of a Bonsai church is that it is alone. A lone tree shown in a pot all by itself. This is the exact opposite of what the church is supposed to be. We are called to be in fellowship with each other.

1.      Not Alone
a. Ecc 4:9-12 Better results in ministry, helping each other up, encouragement and power.

b. Ecc invests in friends because you will need them.

c. Gal 6:1 Carry each other’s burdens

d. Romans 12:1-8 given gifts to serve the body

e. Eph 4:1-13 So that we may grow

f. Hebrews 10:23-25 meeting together for encouragement

2. Growing apart
            a. Build exclusive friendships (clique)
            b. lack of forgiveness and grace
            c, shame
            d. old age
            e. conflicting priorities in life
            f. work schedules

3. Growing together
            a. purposefully schedule time with others
            b. invest in a circle of friends
            c. purposefully invite people out or over for dinner
            d. Visit and pray for people who are sick or homebound
            e. Make a deliberate practice of inviting new people
It is the natural habit of churches to grow apart, if we are going to overcome the Bonsai Christian Life and the Bonsai church, we must invest in others. We must build new ways to be together. A cord of three strands is not easily broken.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Cutting the Tap John 14:25&26

Cutting the Tap John 14:25&26

I have been using the Bonsai tree to talk about how our life in Christ and our church is kept small. One of the most critical parts of the Bonsai process is cutting the tap root. The tap root is the long main root that brings most of the water to the tree. It also serves as the anchor to keep the tree upright. Once the tap root is cut the little Bonsai tree will need to be watered often, sometimes every day. The tree also has to be wired into the pot or tray to keep it upright. Cutting the Tap root removes the trees main source of life and stability.

As we will see today, the Holy Spirit is meant to be our main source of stability and life in Christ. Gen 1 tells us the Holy Spirit was involved in creation. Throughout the Old Testament the Holy Spirit brings prophecies and revelations to the people of God. Jesus promises the coming of the Holy Spirit to live within us. Yet The Holy Spirit is the neglected part of God.

Imagine you and two of your friends go to a party; everyone talks to your two friends but hardly acknowledges your presence let alone shows any interest in you. We sing hymns to and pray to our Father in Heaven. We pray to and worship Jesus. We talk about the Father our creator and Jesus our savior. The Holy Spirit? Not so much. So how can we avoid cutting off our main source of stability and life.

1.       What the Holy Spirit is intended to do.

a.       John 14:24 teach you all things.

b.      John 16:12 He will guide you into all truth.

c.       1 Cor 2:14 Only those with the Holy Spirit can understand God.

d.      Romans 8:26-27 the Holy Spirit intercedes for us.

e.      Romans 12:3-8 The Holy Spirit empowers us with gifts to be used in the church.

f.        1 Cor 12:1-11 says they are to be used for the common good

2.       Cutting the tap

a.       Eph 4:30 teaches us that we can grieve the Holy Spirit.

b.      You grieve the Holy Spirit neglecting Him, or not listening to Him.

c.       1 Thes 5:19 warns us to not quench the Holy Spirit

3.       Restoring the tap root

a.       Once cut the tap root is gone forever on a tree but not so with us.

b.      Romans 8:5-7 Focus our minds on the things of the Spirit.

c.       Using our gifts, allowing the Spirit to intercede for us, look to the Spirit to teach us.

d.      Pray to the Spirit for understanding and power. Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

e.      Focus your mind on attaining the fruit of the Spirit Gal 5:16-26

f.        Driving with the rearview mirror. Focused on you mistakes and sin.

Focus on the things of the Holy Spirit, Live in the Holy Spirit, don’t quench or grieve the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is your source of life in Christ and your source of stability. Don’t cut your Tap Root of life.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Mark 1:35 “Trimming The Roots 2” “Nourishing Prayer”

Mark 1:35 “Trimming The Roots 2” “Nourishing Prayer”

As I mentioned before trimming the roots limits the nourishment of the tree. Prayer is meant to be nourishment for the tree. By having a limited view of prayer our personal life and our church becomes limited, under-nourished.

1.       Prayer as usual
a. Phil 4:6&7 be anxious…

b. James 5:16 prayer for healing

c. John 15:16 Ask whatever you will

d. 1 Chron 4:9&10 the prayer of Jabez

e. Matthew 7:7-11 Give good gifts

f. James 1:17 every good and Perfect

g. up prayers

2. Prayer as nourishment
                a. Mark 1:35 Jesus went to a solitary or desolate place to pray
                b. Why would Jesus need to pray?
                c. Why go where He goes?
                d. Mark 9:29 “This kind can only come out”

3. Prayer as listening and receiving
                a. practicing the presence
                b. Prayer as receiving
                c. Prayer as nourishment
                d. Psalm 37:7 Be still
                e. devote as much time as you speak, to listening
                f. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you

If we will go to the solitary place the lonely place and make listening prayer part of our life, we will find that prayer about the list will be more effective.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Psalm 1:1-3 “trimming the roots 1” The Bonsai Church

Psalm 1:1-3 “trimming the roots 1” The Bonsai Church

One part of the Bonsai process is to trim the roots, which starves the tree of vital nutrients needed for growth. The tree becomes completely dependent on the caregiver for the things needed for growth. This can be said of many a stunted Christian and Church, they are totally dependent on the two or three sentences of the Bible read and expounded on by the pastor each week. But if we are going to be like the tree of Psalm 1, planted by the river and yielding fruit, we need our roots.

For many people talking about reading the Bible brings pictures of a forbidding book (hold up a giant Bible). It-th is-th written-th in-th a-th langue-th we-th can-th read-th. On top of that it has names we can’t even pronounce. Yet Gods’ word is so vital to our growth personally and as a church. Yet most Christians have a love hate relationship with their Bible. They read it as a new year’s resolution, they read it because they are told to, it’s a duty, a requirement, they have a Bible reading plan in their Bible and want to show their friends it’s checked off. They study their Bible because they want to be part of the group. Some other Christians do not read their Bible because they just don’t like what it says.

1.       What the Bible says about it’s self

a.       Psalm 119:6-16

b.      Psalm 119: 105

c.       2 Tim 3:16 &17

d.      Josh 1:8

e.      James 1:22-25

f.        Matthew 4:4

g.       Hebrews 4:12

2.       Sink your roots deep in the Words of God.

a.       To avoid the Bonsai life and church

b.      Sink your roots deep into all the Bible

c.       Learn to drink it in like a sponge

d.      Wrap it around you like a blanket on a cold winters evening

e.      Use it as a healing balm on your battered soul and heart

f.        Drink it in like a cup of hot coffee on a cool morning

If you will do these things the Bible will help make you become the tree of Psalm 1, growing and fruitful. Not just surviving but thriving.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Mark 6: 7-12 Breaking the Pot

Mark 6: 7-12 Breaking the Pot

Bonsai trees are kept in small trays or pots. These pots make it easier to control growth, as well as add to the look of the tree. The pot is the place where the tree lives and it’s life is limited to the pot. Churches and Christians are limited in their life because of the ever shrinking pot in which they live.

In this passage of scripture Jesus expands His area of influence by sending out the 12 to minister in communities they would not normally travel through. Jesus was helping the disciples expand the pot. Jesus spent most of His time in the same communities and walking the same roads. By sending out the twelve He expands the number of people who will hear His teaching.

1.       The reality of the pot

a.       Personal pot

b.      The ever narrowing pot

c.       Job, family, routine, time, and age

d.      After a while you associate with and know few non-Christians

e.      Thicker walls

f.        The midlife crisis

g.       Boring and unfruitful life

2.       The Bonsai Church

a.       Victims of the narrowing pot

b.      Stronger friendships

c.       Control

d.      Age

e.      The ever narrowing pot

f.        Friendships, power, programs, and routine

g.       Limited growth and no fruit

3.       Breaking free of the pot

a.       Driving a new way home

b.      A new hobby

c.       Volunteer some of your time where you will meet new people

d.      Choose to venture outside the pot.

e.      Chuck Swindall, Bill Hybles

f.        Be willing to spend time and energy

g.       The Prayer of Jabez  1 chronicles 4:10

Jesus’ intension was not to have a limited life or a limited church. Today when you go home draw a circle and put your life in it. What you do where you go. Then ask yourself how you can expand or reach past your circle. Do not settle for life in the pot.