Sunday, October 27, 2013

John 3:31-36 The norm is wrath

John 3:31-36

Last week I talked about the need for Jesus to become greater and for us to become less. I now follow up with the reason behind it. It starts with the classical philosophy question of what is the human condition. How do we stand before God without Jesus? Most of the people we run into today believe most people are good and are going to heaven unless they do something really deserving. Hell is reserved for axe murders, terrorist bombers’, people who shoot up schools and the guy who cut you off on the hwy. But this passage tells us a different story.

1. Wrath is the norm
            a. vs. 36 God’s wrath remains on him.
            b. wrath s the norm not the exception.
            c. eternal wrath or hell is the default destination.
            d. Wide is the path that leads to destruction.

2. Whoever believes has eternal life vs. 36
            a. I am the way, the truth, and the life……

3. desperation
            a. 1987 Jessica McClure fell down a well and the TV was glued to the rescue efforts as they drilled a parallel well shaft to save her.
            b. Miners trapped in a mine, people rescued during the 911 attack.
            c. the list of desperate situations we see in the news every day.
            d. But never a report of the eternal desperate conditions that surround us every day
            e. Do we sense the lostness of the people we meet every day?
            f. Do we realize the amazing gift Jesus has given us?
            g. Do we understand the amazing gift that Jesus wants us to give to others?
            h. We should live with a desperation in our hearts and minds to reach the people around us while we can.

If we sense this desperation we will take action. Attend church so you can build strength with other, attend adult Sunday School and Bible studies to learn all you can. Support your church so it can reach people you cannot. Pray diligently for people in your life, petition God on their behalf. Bring Jesus forward and you become less. We must do this; because “whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on him” You may be their only hope.

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