3:1-8 “Wherever It Wills”
We all know
people we would like to see become believers. People who we pray for and hope
for and yet they never seem to come around to believe. We wish for some magic
formula that would be said like an incantation that would open the minds and
hearts of nonbelievers. There are booklets and sales pitches that have been developed
that sometimes work. In this passage we learn something important about faith.
Jesus seems
to be a master of strange conversations, and His conversation with Nicodemus is
one of them.
1. I believe
you are from God
2. No one
can see the kingdom unless they are born again
A. Jesus is saying “Nicodemus you have been born again”
B. Jesus is saying “Nicodemus you need to be born again”
A. Jesus is saying “Nicodemus you have been born again”
B. Jesus is saying “Nicodemus you need to be born again”
3. What is
born again mean
a. the need for a spiritual rebirth
b. coming into a whole new world
c. to know there is a physical reality and a spiritual reality
d. 1 Cor 2:14
a. the need for a spiritual rebirth
b. coming into a whole new world
c. to know there is a physical reality and a spiritual reality
d. 1 Cor 2:14
4. How does
it work?
A. the wind blows wherever it wills
b. so it is with people born of the Spirit
A. the wind blows wherever it wills
b. so it is with people born of the Spirit
A life event,
a friendship, a song on the radio, a Sunday school lesson, a Bible found in a
men, little children, High school student on a youth trip, a junkie in a
gutter, a drunk on a bar stool, a person who has attended church every Sunday for
5. How do we
live this
a. Always be ready 1 peter 3:15
b. Never count someone out
c. do not be afraid to take a chance.
a. Always be ready 1 peter 3:15
b. Never count someone out
c. do not be afraid to take a chance.