Sunday, June 2, 2013

Jeremiah 50:31-34 "A Strong Redeemer"

Prayers for Fran Wood family, Sally Swanson family, Marion Hutson, Barb Boettcher, Connie Olf, Ken Van Camp Family, Kay Parker Family, Fay Carlsen’s brother Francis Steininger family, Dorothy Hotzel family, Bill Gustin’s brother died.

Jeremiah 50:31-34  A Strong Redeemer

In this last month we have seen many families dealing with loss, we have watched news of fires, tornadoes, and war.  Who can overcome this? This is the question of Israel and Judah. Babylon has been ruthless in it’s attack, defeat, and treatment of Israel and Judah. Though directed by God to take over the land, God is angry with the manor in which it has been done. It is a classic case of doing the right thing in the wrong way. (a wrong way to kill a rattle snake)

1. The Arrogant one
               a. Babylon then
               b. Babylon to come Rev 14:8, 16:19, 17:5
               c. A government, or world system, that is the base for the Antichrist and Satan

2. The Judgment of Babylon
               a. Vs. 31-33
               b. Daniel 5:25-31
               c. Rev 18:2-10

3. The strong Redeemer
               a. Movies and Books, the could, should and might work
               b. For Israel, the Medes and Persians, who let them return
               c. Revelation God sets the world right
               d. We have a strong redeemer
               e. no matter our life situation
               f. John 3:16, 1 John 1:9, Revelation 3:20

You have a strong Redeemer, one who died to save you, one who can cast away all the sin that oppresses you. Not a might work, could work, should work, it will work, God’s guarantee.

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