I have been reading Exodus, what a story it is. 40 years of wondering in a desert learning to trust in God. There were pillars of fire and smoke to lead them. There was Manna and Quail from heaven for food. There was water brought forth from a rocks. People grumbleing, Moses grumbling and even God grumbling. God gave them stone tables with the Ten Commandments, the people make a Golden Calf to worship, Moses breaks the stone tablets and then God makes new stone tablets. They make the tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant. Yet they wondered for 40 years seemingly getting nowhere.
Yet the day of Joshua came! The day came when they finally entered the land and their wondering came to an end. Though the time of Joshua had many battles and victories at least the wondering was over.
There are times when I feel like Moses leading God’s people who knows where. Lord a map and compass would be nice to have. I know we are getting things done yet are we getting anywhere? I see God at work in our church changing us, even if slowly. What we will be and where God is taking us is not clear but things are happing, and the day of Joshua is coming. The challenge for us is the same as it was for Moses, keep the people together and don’t strike the rock in anger and frustration and somehow disqualify you from entering the Promised Land.
I have been trying to look 5 and 10 years down the road and what God wants our church to look like and be about. What changes and challenges does God have for us in ministry? Small Group Bible Studies, Woman’s ministry, Men’s ministry, Sr. High, college age, couples, conformation, Sunday School, Music? What does God want for each of these and possibly more?
Yet while we dream we must follow the Spirit of God that is placed before us.
Now I am going to shift to something personal. I have talked to many people who feel like the people of Israel wondering in the desert. It could be a job desert, a personal relationship desert, a desert of addiction, or a desert like cancer. You keep walking and trying to follow the Spirit leading before you. You try not to grumble too much and keep your heart and mind focused on God yet you feel like you are wondering. You feel unsettled and slightly lost.
I want to remind you that the day of Joshua is coming. They day is coming when you will set your eyes on where God has been taking you. They day is coming when you will fight and win the battles with clear victories won by the power of God. You will enter the land of milk and honey. The giants others fear will fall before you for the day of Joshua has come to you!
Pastor Rick
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