1 Cor 14:1-5
About speaking in tongues
I reworked
my schedule of sermons so I could keep chapters 12-14 together. So, this week
and next week I will be working on Chapter 14. Chapter 12 taught us there are
gifts empowered by the Holy Spirit. Chapter 13 taught us that more important than
these Spiritual Gifts is loving others by our actions. Chapter 14 singles out
one gift which seemed to be causing a problem, Speaking in tongues.
1. Three types of tongues in the Bible
a. Acts 2:1-13 (a language known by
someone present)
b. 1 Cor 13:1 tongues of men and angels,
Romans 8:26-27
c. 1 Cor 14:5 tongues as a sign (with interpretation)
Acts 10:44-48
2. How does this happen
a. Spontaneously Acts 10:44-48, Acts 2:1-4
b. Laying on of hands Acts 19:5-7 Acts
c. In prayer Romans 8:26&27
d. Some people pray for it while others
do not
3. What is it like
a. Some just start speaking full
b. For others, just a word comes to mind
c. Feel the warmth and peace of God
d. Others feel like being thrown into a
cold lake (shocked awake)
4. Not everyone receives it
a. 1 Cor 12: 27-31
b. Now I want you all to 1 Cor 14:5
c. It does not make you spiritually
stronger or superior to someone else
d. Not having it does not make you
spiritual inferior to someone else
e. It is a gift not a badge or right
5. What to do?
Do not get discouraged or question your