Last week I
talked about the need to have love when using our Spiritual Gifts. Yet no study
of 1 Corinthians 13 would be complete without a study of the nature of Biblical
1. Greek words for love
a. Eros: erotic, sensual, sexual
b. Phileo: friendship, to value, care
for, to like someone
c. Agape: Honor, respect, Jesus
transforms this word.
d. John 13:1
e. John 13:23
f. John 13:35
g. John 15:12&13
h. 1 John 4:8
2. Eros and Phileo are takers, Agape is
a giver
3. Eros and Phieo are powerless to
change the world
a. at best temporary
b. what the world needs now
4. Agape is what you do when you do not
feel Eros or Phieo
5. Agape is what you do
a. On your knees washing someone’s feet
b. Carrying the cross through the street
c. When your friends throw stones at you
d. As you hang wrongly crucified on the
6. Agape is the mission of the church
a. The command of Jesus
b. The identity of Jesus Followers
c. Agape is our goal, our purpose in
Keep on
loving. Grow in your understanding and ability to love. We must prove our love
to the world before we will ever change the world.