Sunday, December 25, 2016

Luke 18:35-43 “What’s in the Box?”

Luke 18:35-43 “What’s in the Box?”

One Christmas when I was young and our little house very crowded, my father set a refrigerator box next to the tree with mom’s name on it. We were very excited and wanted to see what was in the enormous box. Mom started to unpack the box. Wadded up newspaper, sheet after sheet came out. Finally, she has to crawl into the box to get all the waded paper out. In the bottom was a lovely ballpoint ink pen. Mom was so pleased with her gift. But I want to tell you about another Christmas Box.

It was late at night and everyone was asleep, just as they should be on Christmas eve. That’s when it happened. A hand reaches out and slips a small box wrapped in bright paper under the tree. It’s not as big as the others, in the morning it quickly is lost in the rush for bigger packages and bags. Wrapping flies all over the room and the little gift gets covered with paper and bows. In the process of picking up the little gift slips under the tree skirt. Soon it’s a new year and time to put away Christmas. As Father takes off the tree skirt and gets ready to take the tree outside he finds gift and wonders at it. There is no tag that says to and from. He places the gift on the coffee table where it sits forgotten.

The next day decorations are being packed to be put away in the attic for next year. In the hurry of putting things away the gift is mistaken for a decoration and put into a box and packed away. The next Christmas when it is taken out of storage it is placed on the coffee table and surrounded by candles. Now every year the gift is put out as a decoration without a thought, no one knows who it is for. No one knows who it is from. More importantly no one knows what is in the box.

Today I want you to know what’s in the box. But what does blind Bartimaeus have to do with our forgotten Christmas gift.

Bartimaeus and a friend are begging by the road when they hear Jesus is coming by. Bartimaeus has heard great things about Jesus, wondrous things. So, he starts to shout out “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.” The crowd wants to hear what Jesus might say and they tell the blind man to shut up. Blind Bartimaeus just shouts louder until Jesus commands him to be brought over. Before the feet of Jesus the blind man says again, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.”

Jesus ask a strange question, “What would you have me do for you?” did Jesus not know the man was blind? Or could there be more? What if that question were asked of you? What if at the feet of Jesus you were to hear Jesus say to you; “what would you have me do for you?” What might you say?

Wait before you answer, think about what you really need. Forget money, forget things, this question is to great for those kind of things. To answer this question you need to go deeper into your heart and soul. Take a moment to search for what you really need. What you need; is it love? Is it forgiveness? Is it understanding? Do you need healing? Do you need answers? Do need release from bondage? What is it that you want Jesus to do for you?

Well by happy coincidence the forgotten gift belongs to you. Inside is what you really need. All that is required is that you open the gift.

How do you open this gift? First answer Jesus’ question. “What would you have me do for you?” Now thank him for what you know is inside the box. It’s not new for it’s been there all along, it’s not what you expect but it is what you need. Hold it, treasure it, experience it, for it is yours!

And now you know what’s in the box.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Matthew 1:18-25 Jesus the foster child

Matthew 1:18-25 Jesus the foster child

Home is important to most people. It is a safe place to rest from guard up life we live in the world. I watched the news about Aleppo and the places where all the buildings have been reduced to rubble. For those people there is hardly a shelter let alone a home. Even in the United States there are places where people do not feel safe in their own house. At any time a bullet from a drive by may fly through there walls or windows. But for Jesus there is no home

1.       Jesus the foster child

a.       Jesus does not belong to our world

b.       Born homeless

c.       Matthew 8:19-22 nowhere to lay his head

d.       John 18:33-37 My kingdom is not of this world

e.       To speak His name is almost illegal

f.        Jesus’ homeless shelter birthplace is made unwelcome

2.       Those who would follow Him

a.       Matthew 8:19-22 let the dead bury their own, no place to lay their head

b.       John 15:18&19

c.       John 17:14-18

d.       Matthew 10:37-39

e.       Philippians 3:17-20

f.        Those who would follow Jesus feel a strange discomfort

3.       Jesus brings a new home to us

a.       A new home

b.       A new life

c.       Peace and healing the world cannot understand

When you feel like you’re from another planet, when you feel uncomfortable with this world, rejoice for that is how it should be. For those who would follow Jesus will never really be at home here on earth just as Jesus is never really home here on earth. In a way we are living in a foster home. One day soon we will live in our real home.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Matthew 1:1-17 “Not a Fairytale”

Matthew 1:1-17 “Not a Fairytale”

One of my favorite shows on tv is once upon a time. They weave together all the fairy stories and children’s stories. Fairytales we know are not true and they start with once upon a time, or long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away. Christmas time has become filled with fairytales. Magic Christmas ornaments, magic snow globes, Christmas angels and many more. It is no doubt a work of the evil one meant to hide the one real and true Christmas story.

1.       Matthew starts with a Genealogy.

a.       These are real people,

b.       This is history not fairytale

c.       This is news, Gospel means news, good news!

2.       Satan wants us to question the truth of Jesus’ birth.

a.       The virgin birth

b.       The star in heaven

c.       Wise men with gifts

d.       Shepherds and angels

e.       God’s love, compassion, atonement, forgiveness and grace

f.        How could God love us, love you?

3.       The truth is that the Christmas Story in the Bible is news, history

a.       God did come down as a baby named Jesus

b.       God’s love for you is real

c.       God’s forgiveness is a fact not fiction

d.       The healing Jesus brings to us not for a season

e.       It does not need you to wish or believe, it is.

The greatest gift you can receive, the greatest gift you can give, is the fact that God has chosen to love us, love you. It is history, it is news, good news and you can trust it. When you have doubts, when you feel unloved or unforgiven, remember what Jesus has done for you is fact not fiction. God’s Love for you is not a fairytale.