Temples of
the Holy Spirit 1 Corinthians 6:12-20
Sex, food,
drugs, money, possessions, violence, and power, our world is addicted. Paul
singles out sexual immorality because this sin includes our whole being. God
sees sex not as a temporary physical connection but as a permanent spiritual
connection. The passage that is sited is from Genesis 2:24 which established
So, to put
it clearly, you are married to everyone you have had sex with. Yet sexual sin
has been dismissed to the point that people stop thinking of it as sin. The idea
that any sex outside of your marriage is sinful is made out to be archaic and
prudish. It is so easy to let it pass unchallenged, especially since it seems
to be a sin we have to fight so often.
God gives us
four principles that pertain not only to sexual sin but to all sin.
1. All things are lawful but not all
things are helpful.
This means that all sinful actions are forgiven and the judgement of the
law has been paid. We will not pay the price for our immorality, greed, lies,
and whatever else, for Jesus paid that price on the cross. But these things are
not helpful. Our sinfulness is a lead weight dragging us down. Stealing our joy
and peace.
There also is a physical price to pay. There are more than 20 named sexually
transmitted diseases. Which affect over 19 million people in the US each year. Retirees
being one of the biggest groups affected. Then there are the psychological
prices to pay. 1 in 5 women have been the victim of sexual assault, 1 in 6 of
men. These victims carry that assault with them every day for the rest of their
lives. It affects their friendships, marriages, their parenting, self-image,
even their relationship with God.
Though Jesus paid the price for our sin in an eternal way, there is still
a price to pay in an earthly way.
2. Our bodies are members of Christ.
We are part of the body of Christ, each one of us. When we sin, we
include Jesus in the sin we are committing. When we cheat, and steal we are
using Jesus’ hand to reach in someone else’s pocket. When we gossip, we use
Jesus’ mouth to speak.
We also include the whole church in our actions. People who know of your
sin, and people do know, see not only you but all other Christians. It is not
just your reputation that suffers but the whole church suffers. How can the
church win people to Jesus when it has a bad reputation? How can we preach
transformation if we are not transformed?
3. Our bodies are temples of the Holy
Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit; God lives in you. When you sin
you not only include Jesus but you also include the Holy Spirit. There is a lot
of sin we would never do if someone was watching. The Holy Spirit not only is watching;
the Holy Spirit becomes included.
4. You do not belong to you.
The final consideration is that we are not our own. Our life is not ours
to do with as we please. Jesus bought us on the cross, redeemed us. Our lives
are a debt we owe to God. When we let sin go unchallenged we insult what God
has done for us. We dishonor Jesus’ death on the cross.
Will we challenge
our sinful actions and thoughts? Will we not only seek Gods’ forgiveness but
also His transformation? You are His body, His temple, His possession, and we
need to act like it. Alexander the Great, change your conduct or change your