1 Corinthians 1:18-30 The Foolish Power of God
Our world prides it’s self on knowledge and power. Faster computers
and more information. These are things that the Greeks and Romans of Corinth
also valued. Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness,
Gentleness, Self-control. The world we live in truly has different values. Look
at who we seek as leaders for our country and evaluate them with those words
from Galatians 5.
You are created and accountable
Confessing your sins
A God who forgives for free
A ruler who gives the best things He has away
A king who washes feet
Valuing serving more than being served
God picking up the check
If we are going to experience the wisdom and power of God we
must follow Jesus down instead of following the world up. We never achieve the
things of God standing on others shoulders but by helping others stand on ours.
Dare to be foolish.