Sunday, August 23, 2015

Philippians 1:19-26 What Will You Choose?

Philippians 1:19-26 What Will You Choose?

In the 17 and 18 century thinkers like John Locke and Henry Rousseau came up with the blank slate theory of psychology. That people are the product of their environment. Many people have the same idea about joy. The idea that joy is the result of your environment, the situation and event of your life is held by so many people today. If I only had more money, if I only had a different job, if I only had a different spouse, I could have joy. As we look at our scripture Paul shows us Joy is a choice.

Paul’s situation
in prison in Rome, set up by underhanded men.
Shipwrecked, beaten with rods, thrown off a cliff, and stones thrown at him until he left for dead.
Paul also endures an affliction he describes as a thorn in his flesh.
Paul’s environment would dictate that he should be joyless and miserable.

Paul chooses joy
vs 18 “Yes, and I will rejoice.”
Paul chooses to believe
vs 23 “My desire is to depart” he is worn out and physically hurting”
vs 19 “this will turn out for my deliverance”
vs 20 “I will not be ashamed”, Christ will be honored
vs 21 “To live is Christ to die is gain”

How can we do this?
Joy sucking people and events
Choose to want joy
Work camp Jackson Miss
believe in your deliverance, your situation is temporary
Look to honor Christ, Change your goal
Live for Jesus and not for yourself.

What will you choose today? Will you focus on your discomfort, you lot in life, or your physical conditions? Will you let the joy suckers win? Rejoice with Paul, Jesus saved you and loves you no one can take that away. There is a better place for you at the end of the road. Each day you can live to bring glory to God. Choose that Christ will be honored by your life. Then regardless of life’s situation you are a winner. What will you choose.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Wyoming Sunset

I am working on a painting of a Wyoming sunset. There is a dark gray piece of sky at the top and there is a dark brown at the bottom. But there is a place of beauty and wonder where heaven and earth meet. This place is filled will blues, yellows, oranges, and bright reds. This place where the sun meets the mountains send those colors through the sky driving back the darkness.

What a picture of faith. We can live with our focus on heaven and God in a theological or philosophical way that becomes drab and even boring. We can on the other hand spend our life focused on earth and all the darkness that is the world without God. Two dark gray areas that bring weariness and boredom. But there is another place where we can live, a place that is alive and bright, filled with joy. There is a place where Jesus and our lives can meet. In this place, the power of God can explode in the very substance of our lives and send showers light and color into the world we live in.

John 1:4&5 describe Jesus as “In Him is life, and the life is the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” In John 8:12 we read that Jesus called Himself “the light of the world.” When the light of Jesus meets our lives, that light explodes in us. In Matthew 5:14 Jesus calls those who believe in Him the “Light of the world” and told the disciples, “let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

In John 15:5 Jesus tells the disciples “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears mush fruit.” Galatians 5:22 tells us that “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” The Fruit of the Spirit are the things that bring light and color to our lives and our world. When we allow Jesus to touch our lives and change the way we live God light truly shines out driving back the darkness.

This beautiful explosion of light, life, and color does not happen because we attend church or we have asked Jesus for forgiveness. This wondrous transformation only happens when we truly allow Jesus to touch and change our lives on a daily basis.

Does your spiritual life seem boring and drab gray? Does the life you live at home and work dark and lacking the joy, hope and peace you want to experience? Perhaps it is time to stop keeping Jesus in the clouds, and time to stop living dark gray of life untouched by God. There is a place of light and color, a place where the power of God explodes into your life and drives out the darkness. This wondrous place is where the sun touches the mountains, it is the place where you allow Jesus to touch and change your life each day.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Philippians 1:12-18 Why Me

Philippians 1:12-18 Why Me

Why do things, events or situations steal our joy? Is there a way past them to find joy again? This is what Philippians is all about, finding joy again.

1.       Life is unfair
a. Paul is in prison

b. because of his witness for Jesus

c. some seek to harm him even there vs 15, 17

d. physical

e. financial

f. work, school, ect.

2. looking past the situation
a. joy vs comfort
b. vs 12 to advance the gospel
c. encourage others to be bolder (Nelson Mandela)
d. 18 in every way and even with bad motives Christ is proclaimed

3. Getting past it
a. You have a right to be broken and angry
b. I understand I have been there
c. break the cycle of depression
d. stop asking how, why, and who
e. start asking how can God use this?

Paul found joy because he saw his goal of telling people about Jesus was being carried out even by those who meant to hurt him. If we are to find joy we must look for what God is doing and can do even with our suffering. Until we can do this joy will elude us.

Monday, August 10, 2015

July times

Sitting on my desk is a piece of Lava Rock that I picked up on a hike across a lava flow near Split Rock Lighthouse on the shore of Lake Superior. Before this, I never thought about how volcanos helped to build the Great Lakes. Volcanos erupting are not usually considered a great thing to happen. They can kill thousands of people, damage property, and even change the climate.

Our lives have volcanos erupting from time to time. The doctor says it’s cancer, your spouse says it’s over, your bank says it’s empty, there are thousands more to be named. Some of these volcanos of life are big and some are small, but all of them are uncomfortable to endure.

Back to my walk across the lava flow on a sunny day by Split Rock Lighthouse. I was looking for colorful stones called Agates. Agates form in air bubbles in the lava. As the Lava cools water and minerals fill the bubbles and crystalize forming a very shiny smooth stone. I wanted to collect a few of them. Not only did I find some agates, but I also found some iron ore and some copper ore. Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota are filled with iron and copper mines; much of the area was settled because of mining.

Many wonderful things come up with the lava during eruptions, iron, copper, tin, gold, diamonds, and lots of pretty rocks. While life’s volcanos bring pain and difficulty they also bring valuable things to our lives. It could be a life lesson, a new friend, a deeper faith, a new outlook on life, and many other things. Some of these we can walk along the lava of life and find for ourselves, for other we may need help.

Here in the north-woods people worked together in iron and copper mines to dig the valuable ore from the lava that brought it to the surface. Some of the ore required digging deep into the ground to reveal it. It was not easy work, but they got it done.

Romans 8:28 says “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” This does not mean that the volcanos of life are going to feel good or their pain go away. What it means is that along with the horrible and destructive lava, valuable things have come as well. Gems of diamonds, agates, gold, iron, copper and tin are all to be found in the volcano’s flow.

Some of these gems are on the surface and easy to find on your own, while others will require some help. This is one of the reasons I believe every Christian should have a church home, a church family. Each of us will have days when the lava of life is to much for us and we will need someone else to dig us out. There will be days when together we will find diamonds of faith only because we dig for them together.

When we find the gems in the midst of the lava we need to remember they are a gift of God and thank Him for those little wonders. James 1:17  reminds us; “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”

The volcanos of life will come. What will we have when they are done? Hot lava, and destruction? Or will we find diamonds, gold, copper, iron tin and even agates. Anyone can find lava, but if you want the good stuff you will have to look for it, dig for it, stop and pick it up.

Times June

You would not know it to look outside today with the ground wet by two days of light rain, but most of our country is in a horrible drought. In our greatest food producing state, California, things are getting dangerous. Reservoirs once filled with what seemed an endless supply of water are already dry or will be soon. Farmers have not planted crops because they know they will not have the water needed to bring them to harvest. In the cattle states like Texas ranchers have sold their herds and shut down because there is not enough water to keep the herd alive. You would be a rich person if you could have figured out that people would be paying $2.00 for a bottle of water to drink.

Interestingly, I read in one of my backcountry hiking books a report that said most people in the USA live in a constant state of dehydration. People just do not drink enough water so their body can function correctly. Dehydration affects your kidney function, muscle function, your cognitive abilities, and even your ability to fight off diseases.

 All this got me to thinking about how many people live in a spiritual state of dehydration? How many would describe their spiritual life as dry, lacking energy and empty. This spiritual dehydration also affects the rest of our life, just as physical dehydration does.

Jerimiah 17:7&8 says “But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

Psalms 1:1-3 says “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.”  

The spiritually dehydrated person’s life is filled with fear during difficult times, withered and dry leaves as well as a lack of fruitfulness. For the spiritually dehydrated life does not feel prosperous, like its going somewhere; life feels like a struggle to stay alive.

I think we all feel spiritually dehydrated at times. If we take time to reflect on the passages from Jeremiah and Psalms we find that we are not putting our confidence or trust in God or His Word. That’s not something to beat yourself up about but is something you want to change. It is time to refocus our trust in the Lord and His word.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Our hope for the world Phil 1:1-11

Our hope for the world Phil 1:1-11

1.    Partakers of grace (7)

2.    Your love may abound (9)

3.    May know a life of excellence (10)

4.    God will bring his plan for you to completion (6)

a.     He gave you life

b.    Jer 29:11

c.     A plan for your life

5.    God desires that His plan would be completed

6.    The start of the plan is grace

7.    The result is joy John 15:11

Our prayer is that you find Joy
Our prayer is that you find peace
Our prayer is that you find love
The key to it is grace eph 2:8&9
1 John 1:9,  2 Cor 5:17

Will you experance All of God’s plan for your life? Will you know the joy, peace and love that Jesus wants you to have? The key is forgiveness which unlocks the forgiveness of God. A simple prayer “Lord forgive me a sinner. Search my heart and show me how to live. Lord Jesus give me your grace.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

2 Timothy 2:1-7 “As Iron Sharpens iron”

2 Timothy 2:1-7 “As Iron Sharpens iron”

When I started the building by design series, I began with the idea that we are to not only bring people to salvation but we are to also disciple them, teach them. It’s a picture of new believers not stumbling upon the principles of faith by acedent, but teaching them so they can teach others.

We have looked at these principles of faith.

·         Jesus as the center

·         Word of God

·         Prayer

·         Witnessing

·         Fellowship

2 Timothy 2:2 “What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will be able to teach others also.”

A new kind of church

·         A church ministry with a real purpose and thought out design

·         Each member working toward a common goal

·         Not entertainment, nor self pleasing

·         Determined and dedicated to carry out God’s mission

A new kind of fellowship

·         Not a group of people gathered in the same room on Sunday

·         One body, deeply connected and supporting one another

As Iron Sharpens Iron, Proverbs 27:17

·         Remove the rust

·         Remove the dullness

·         Prepared for the battle of life

2 Timothy 2:15 says

·         Do your best, your best effort

·         One approved by God, one God approves of

·         One who has no need to be ashamed, on the day of judgement…

I am confident that God is not finished with us, I believe that our little church has much to do for Jesus in our communities. I know when we dedicate our lives to carry out the mission of God through the design of discipleship God will and can do great things. 2 Timothy 2:2 “What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will be able to teach others also.”