Sunday, September 28, 2014

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 “not alone”

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12  “not alone”

We have just a couple of things left to learn about the Bonsai Christian Life and the Bonsai church. One of the characteristics of a Bonsai church is that it is alone. A lone tree shown in a pot all by itself. This is the exact opposite of what the church is supposed to be. We are called to be in fellowship with each other.

1.      Not Alone
a. Ecc 4:9-12 Better results in ministry, helping each other up, encouragement and power.

b. Ecc invests in friends because you will need them.

c. Gal 6:1 Carry each other’s burdens

d. Romans 12:1-8 given gifts to serve the body

e. Eph 4:1-13 So that we may grow

f. Hebrews 10:23-25 meeting together for encouragement

2. Growing apart
            a. Build exclusive friendships (clique)
            b. lack of forgiveness and grace
            c, shame
            d. old age
            e. conflicting priorities in life
            f. work schedules

3. Growing together
            a. purposefully schedule time with others
            b. invest in a circle of friends
            c. purposefully invite people out or over for dinner
            d. Visit and pray for people who are sick or homebound
            e. Make a deliberate practice of inviting new people
It is the natural habit of churches to grow apart, if we are going to overcome the Bonsai Christian Life and the Bonsai church, we must invest in others. We must build new ways to be together. A cord of three strands is not easily broken.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Cutting the Tap John 14:25&26

Cutting the Tap John 14:25&26

I have been using the Bonsai tree to talk about how our life in Christ and our church is kept small. One of the most critical parts of the Bonsai process is cutting the tap root. The tap root is the long main root that brings most of the water to the tree. It also serves as the anchor to keep the tree upright. Once the tap root is cut the little Bonsai tree will need to be watered often, sometimes every day. The tree also has to be wired into the pot or tray to keep it upright. Cutting the Tap root removes the trees main source of life and stability.

As we will see today, the Holy Spirit is meant to be our main source of stability and life in Christ. Gen 1 tells us the Holy Spirit was involved in creation. Throughout the Old Testament the Holy Spirit brings prophecies and revelations to the people of God. Jesus promises the coming of the Holy Spirit to live within us. Yet The Holy Spirit is the neglected part of God.

Imagine you and two of your friends go to a party; everyone talks to your two friends but hardly acknowledges your presence let alone shows any interest in you. We sing hymns to and pray to our Father in Heaven. We pray to and worship Jesus. We talk about the Father our creator and Jesus our savior. The Holy Spirit? Not so much. So how can we avoid cutting off our main source of stability and life.

1.       What the Holy Spirit is intended to do.

a.       John 14:24 teach you all things.

b.      John 16:12 He will guide you into all truth.

c.       1 Cor 2:14 Only those with the Holy Spirit can understand God.

d.      Romans 8:26-27 the Holy Spirit intercedes for us.

e.      Romans 12:3-8 The Holy Spirit empowers us with gifts to be used in the church.

f.        1 Cor 12:1-11 says they are to be used for the common good

2.       Cutting the tap

a.       Eph 4:30 teaches us that we can grieve the Holy Spirit.

b.      You grieve the Holy Spirit neglecting Him, or not listening to Him.

c.       1 Thes 5:19 warns us to not quench the Holy Spirit

3.       Restoring the tap root

a.       Once cut the tap root is gone forever on a tree but not so with us.

b.      Romans 8:5-7 Focus our minds on the things of the Spirit.

c.       Using our gifts, allowing the Spirit to intercede for us, look to the Spirit to teach us.

d.      Pray to the Spirit for understanding and power. Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

e.      Focus your mind on attaining the fruit of the Spirit Gal 5:16-26

f.        Driving with the rearview mirror. Focused on you mistakes and sin.

Focus on the things of the Holy Spirit, Live in the Holy Spirit, don’t quench or grieve the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is your source of life in Christ and your source of stability. Don’t cut your Tap Root of life.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Mark 1:35 “Trimming The Roots 2” “Nourishing Prayer”

Mark 1:35 “Trimming The Roots 2” “Nourishing Prayer”

As I mentioned before trimming the roots limits the nourishment of the tree. Prayer is meant to be nourishment for the tree. By having a limited view of prayer our personal life and our church becomes limited, under-nourished.

1.       Prayer as usual
a. Phil 4:6&7 be anxious…

b. James 5:16 prayer for healing

c. John 15:16 Ask whatever you will

d. 1 Chron 4:9&10 the prayer of Jabez

e. Matthew 7:7-11 Give good gifts

f. James 1:17 every good and Perfect

g. up prayers

2. Prayer as nourishment
                a. Mark 1:35 Jesus went to a solitary or desolate place to pray
                b. Why would Jesus need to pray?
                c. Why go where He goes?
                d. Mark 9:29 “This kind can only come out”

3. Prayer as listening and receiving
                a. practicing the presence
                b. Prayer as receiving
                c. Prayer as nourishment
                d. Psalm 37:7 Be still
                e. devote as much time as you speak, to listening
                f. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you

If we will go to the solitary place the lonely place and make listening prayer part of our life, we will find that prayer about the list will be more effective.