Sunday, March 24, 2013

Isaiah 53:1-6

Isaiah 53:1-6
Back in the 70’s there was a show called “To Tell The Truth”. In this game show there were three people all claiming to be someone. One would be the real person. Contestants would ask questions to try and find out who the real person was. Passion Week is a lot like that game show. We have the luxury of the whole story but the Jews in Jerusalem do not. Few if any expected or comprehended what would happen in the next week. Who is the real Jesus and what is He up to?


1. The Triumphal Entry

            Jesus has just 5 days to live.

            On the way to Jerusalem He has performed healings of Lepers, Blind people, and lame beggars. A huge crowd has been building on the way to Jerusalem. This crowd expects Jesus to ride into town and take over. He will kick out the Romans, Herod, and the Sanhedrin rulers of the temple. Jesus will set everything right again.

            So they sing and they dance, spread their coats and palm branches on the road.  Matthew 21:1-11 They thought Zech 9:9 as Jesus was riding on a donkey, and they sang Psalm 118:26.

            Jesus starts to meet expectations as He clears the temple.

            But Jesus is not only angry with the people at the temple He is frustrated with his disciples and followers slowness in learning. As He is returning to Jerusalem the next day He curses a fruitless fig tree, a symbol of the Jewish people and His disciples. Even though He has told them they still have no concept of His fulfillment of Isaiah 53:1-6. Tuesday Evening finds Jesus back at Bethany where the only one who seems to get it is Mary. The rest of the disciples are dumbfounded as she anoints Him with the perfume of death.

            By Friday the crowds will be completely disappointed and will shout for His death.


2. Jesus came as Isaiah 53:1-6 says

            a. out of a family of lesser expectations who lived in a town of even less respect.

            b. rejected by the leaders, the click of the temple insiders. Now even rejected by the public that had high expectations for Him.

            c. He took up your infirmities and carried your sorrows

            d. He was pierced crushed and punished


3. For you

            a. so you can be healed

            b. so you can find your way

            c. a good king to take power is a good thing

            d. a king willing to do whatever it takes to heal you is to be celebrated.


We do not sing Hosanna in ignorance, we sing it in wonder and praise, for the King of heaven did not enter the city that day to make Himself great. He came to make you whole.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Isaiah 42:1-9 A covenant for the people

Isaiah 42:1-9 A covenant for the people


We want justice, that is to say we want justice as we define it. Judge Judy, Nancy grace and 60 minutes, all seeking justice. Marsha wanted justice; a drunk driver slid across the median and hit her daughter’s car. The driver was 21 years old and her daughter 18. Her daughter was killed but the woman driver was not. A familiar story in Wisconsin. The woman had been at her apartment with her boyfriend who started to hit her; she managed to get away in the car. She got on the hwy to go to her parents house to leave her abusing boyfriend for good. Marsha having been abused in her first marriage was confused by justice. At some point Justice is relative to what standard we use and who is seeking it.

            Isaiah is a book of justice, but it is justice from God’s point of view and with regard to God’s standard. It tells of God seeking justice and the standard being used is His law. Some of the judgments you read about in the Bible you may agree with others you may not. Some of God’s laws you may like and support while others you may reject. But God has no need for His judgments or laws to be approved by us. Here again in Isaiah 42 God tells of coming justice, but it also tells of God’s grace.


1. a covenant for the people

            a. vs 1 and 6 identify the coming servant who will bring justice, Jesus.

            b. a covenant, a promise, a contract

2. The old way is gone a new way has come.

            a. vs 9

            b. 2 Cor 5:17

            c. Rev 21:3-4

            d. a new way has come

3. setting the captives free

            a. your own captivity, blindness, our dungeon of darkness vs 7

            b. others captivity, people around us whom we need to set free.

            c. we are God’s tool to bring freedom, sight, grace.

            d. Romans 10:14&15 you are God’s voice, His words to the world.

4. don’t give up on even the smallest spark

            a. vs 3. The bruised reed

            b. the smoldering wick

            c. don’t give up on them God hasn’t


While God will bring true justice, there is a way of grace. Claim it for your own, and share it with the world, this is the mission of God for our church and for you. You are His voice, You are His words, we must go and set the captives free.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Isaiah 35:1-6 New Hope

Isaiah 35:1-4

Much of what Isaiah has to say has to do with Judgment, of how their worship is negated by their lack of social ethics. They fail from the king down to the lowest subject, to honor God. Isaiah tells of times of exile and defeat. He tells of times of hardship and trial for those who remain. Yet Isaiah speaks of a time of the redeemed. A time when the remnant will return and God will bless them again. This passage made me think of our church.


A. great challenges we have faced

            1. Built a building, when we would hardly make budget.

            2. We have lost many dear friends, most to cancer, some to moving away.

            Annette, Shelly, Fred, Gwen, Rittia, Jan, and others.

            3. We have gone through the difficult process of leaving the PC (USA)

            4. We have faced financial shortfalls


B. We face challenges ahead

            1.Reaching the Lost people in our area. Friends, family, people we meet every day.

            2. Finances,

            3. building new friendships

            4. some of us are getting old.


C. But we are the Redeemed

            1. the desert will bloom vs 1&2

            2. Our God will take us there vs 3&4

            3. We will reach the lost vs 5&6

            4. Our Session is a forward looking group

            5. Our deacons are looking at new ideas

            6. Our missions, worship, and Christian Ed, committees are coming up with new things.


D. This sermon is for me.

            1. I lost the boldness that said we can build a building, have a thriving youth group and grow our church. Perhaps you have to.

            2. Believe better days are ahead, Read 1-6 again

            3. loose our doom and gloom, and instead encourage each other

            4. “forgetting what is behind press on.” Phil 3:12 -13

            5. Believe in God’s power to do what we cannot on our own.

            6. “It is not by might not by power.”

            7. God did not bring us here to let us fail

            8. this was Gods message to my fearful, grumpy, old heart.

Read vs 1-6

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Isaiah 24:1-3

Isaiah 24:1-3

Isaiah not only tells of fate of Israel, Judah, Assyria and Babylon. Isaiah also tells of the fate of the world. Before the 1940’s we had no idea of global destruction. Now there is no end to the theories and movies about the end of the world. I was up late and came across a 60’s movie “Sea Quest” where a fire started in a ring above the earth. They had their little model submarine gliding through some producers fish tank to save the day. The result of all those predictions of doom is that the end of the world has been made the thing of nuts and quacks.

But the end is coming. It will not be the giant meteor, red sea sludge, global warming, or any other thing that will be the reason behind it. The destruction of earth will be at the hand of God and it will be because of the sinfulness of humans.

No one is exempt. Vs 2

            Every disaster movie has a way out.
            A scientist has a formula
            The government has a ship or a shelter
            NASA has a spaceship with oil rig workers to drill hole in the meteor
            Or a super strong person will weave their way through it.
            We may even get help from aliens
            King Richard shouts a horse a horse, psalm 33:17 a horse is a vain hope
            Matthew 24:36-42
            Rev 21:1

Salvation is available to everyone
            Read vs 2
            Matthew 24:40
            Romans 1:16 Jew and Gentile
            Gal 3:28
            White, black, Indian, Arab or Asian, all can be saved with a simple prayer
            Citizen of the year, good church people, gang member, and drug addict all can be saved.

What do we do?
            Prepare yourself. Make sure you have surrendered your life to Jesus
            Remember that what happens is only temporary.
           Tell others how they can be saved.

Will the end of the world come? Yes. It will come because of God’s judgment on the sinful human race. Will your end come? Yes, maybe soon, or perhaps a long time from now. But you have nothing to fear. This world is not fatal nor final. Romans 8:37-39